12; Alone... [Backdated to whenever Sasha's gone]

Mar 28, 2011 06:10

The uneasy feeling mixed with little bit of fear has been picking away at her chest. It's been there since her first little journal post on the school network talking about her fears of evolution, but it has gotten worse over the last week due to not seeing Sasha around. Spinny had no clue what was going on in Sasha's life, especially during the week where everyone "started acting weirdly." She knew in the mind that she couldn't have possibly done anything to make Sasha upset, that something must have come up for her to go somewhere. Something must have come up, that's what she told herself over and over during the first half of the week.

But what if she had done something and she didn't know? Maybe she had done something to make the Charizard upset. So upset that the other had left without a word. Was it because she got so scared all the time? Because she couldn't do anything on her own? Or because she kept on worrying about evolving into a monster? These nagging thoughts started picking away at her patience and was making her so restless.

She drew a small sigh as she sat on her bed in the dark, unlit room of her dorm. The only source of light was the dim moonlight shining through from the window. She gazed at the empty bed across the room, the bed that would be brighter from her roommate's flaming tail if Sasha was there. But with the other gone, the room was shaded in dull dark blue from the shadows of the night. Just gazing at the sight gave her an empty feeling. The feeling of being lonely...alone, by herself. She wanted to know where Sasha was...

If only she picked up on the habit of tracking things down by using strands of web strings...

Like an Ariados.

Spinny hugged onto her legs tightly as she lowered her gaze to the ground. She knew the second stage of her evolution was Ariados through reading books in the library during her spare time. Some of the Pokemon-related story books depicted them as something scary. They crept around at night, catching unsuspecting, reckless prey who decide to venture at night. They didn't sound pleasant at all. She wanted to believe what others told her. She wanted to believe that she would stay the same even if her appearance changed. That was until she stopped seeing Sasha around.

Change of feelings... A mix of feeling nostalgic and foolish. She could remember admiring an Ariados passing by in the National Park when she still lived in the trees there. She had aspired to become as strong like it and travel around the world. That was what that drove her to get to Smash Academy somehow. But now, she was afraid to evolve into one herself. She didn't want to change. It was far too scary to change now. Was it a bad idea for her to even leave the National Park after all?

Spinny closed her eyes, burying her face into her knees.

She missed the scent of the bark and leaves, the grass and trees of National Park. Homesickness was probably what fitted the best.


Sasha's not in the room anymore... Is it because of my fault? I was gone for the last week because I ended up wandering around in the forest... Maybe she doesn't like me because I get so scared easily and too quiet...

The room feels too big now...
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