Title: The Quest for Happily Ever After
Fandom: Firefly/Serenity
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Characters/Pairings: Crew, Jayne/River, Ma, Mattie, Jayne's ol'friends, Preacher
Warnings: Spoilers for series and movie.
Rating: R
Series Summary: Simon has a terrible nightmare and upon waking up finds that River has decided to take his nightmare and make
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Comments 16
I'm glad you enjoyed it! As for Jayne's age - he was trained by his mother at an early age to lie as she couldn't accept the fact that her little boy was growing up and that she was the mother of a teenager. He was a five year old for three years before she allowed him to turn six - he never quite got out of the habit of it. Like when he first met Inara, he tried to convince her that he was twenty-one and that he'd be honoured if she'd be his first. It did not go so well.
Ah yes - the crew will never look at Jayne in the same way ever again. He's never again going to be able to get away with giving really bad birthday presents.
See - that's what the Epilogue and the Outtakes are for. ;D (Ah, the Outtakes - all the stuff I thought was too much crack for my crack fic).
I was afraid you weren't going to, since the other chapters appeared fairly quickly and then this one took a little longer. There's nothing sadder than a good fanfic unfinished.
Yeah, I hate when fic goes unfinished too - I'm sorry it took so long to post, but unfortunately I was sucked into some pretty heavy drama with regards to film project for one of my classes. Creative differences and all that jazz.
Such an AWESOME twist that I have a near assassin like smile on my face at the moment! GUH! I loveitIloveitIloveiiiiiittt!! Hoe did you? I just...ugh, it's just BRILLIANT!! I WILL BE TALKING IN CAPS NOW!! :D
And when you said that Ma was played by the beautiful Elizabeth Taylor the first thing that jumped to my mind was "Jayne's dad is SO Paul Newman!" XD lmao. It's now my new canon!
Seriously, I enjoyed this SO DAMN MUCH! I am greatly looking forward to the epilogue. Please forgive me for not picking up on your amazing writing sooner!
Jayne and River are going to make sure that nobody ever forgets how they pulled a fast one over the entire crew. Also, there's now a picture of Mal's face when he found out hanging in the mess. Mal keeps ripping it up, but a new one always appears.
Yup - Paul Newman is totally Jayne's dad. And now I want to go write another outtake where his parents are reunited. *runs off*
I'll try and get the Epilogue out soon so there won't be the massive wait as there was for this chapter. Thank you again for the review! :)
P.S. Your icon fills me with great joy.
Thank you! missmurchison made it for me (I'm sure she'd be willing to share, if you'd like to add it to your collection), and I thought you might appreciate it. :)
And now I'm going to go and watch Angel sing Mandy.
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