Dear NBC,
I hate you for cancelling Law & Order. That is all.
Dearest Jack McCoy,
I love you more than mere words can ever get across. You have been my hero ever since I was a small child, and the series finale drove home all the reasons why you’re a hero. You risked your job and your political standing in order to save the lives of those children and I held my breath as you gave that pompous ass of a lawyer such a set down when he stood in the way of you getting the information you needed to save those lives. It was one of the most powerful scenes of the series and I can’t help but feel that the people of New York will never realize just how lucky they are to have you fighting for them.
You’ve gone to incredible lengths to do your job and have never allowed the politics to get in the way of what’s really important - the lives of the people and justice for the fallen.
While I will miss you terribly (and hopefully the DVDs will eventually come down in price), I can’t help but feel relieved that you got such a magnificent ending. Not just you, but the entire cast. Connie and Mike standing cutely off to the side together at the bar, Anita had passed through the worst of her cancer, and Lupo and Bernard were just so amazing in this episode. From the way they tried to help out Anita and the way they took charge and saved the day. Even though I hate the thought of you ending and there’s no way that this finale will top Lost’s or get the same kind of feedback, but I loved that you ended on such a high note.
Thank you for twenty years. They’ve been the best. I'm going to miss you.
Dear Chuck,
For the love of all that is holy, please don’t make Casey’s daughter Morgan’s new love interest. PLEASE.
Also, please be giving Casey more happy moments with his daughter and perhaps a love interest of his very own? It would probably be too unbelievable for him to get Kathleen back as I just don’t see them being able to come back from Casey deciding to fake his own death, but perhaps you could find it in your hearts to give him a different romantic interest? Hey... that Summer Glau just signed a contract with you, NBC - you can give her several guest shots as Casey’s new assassin girlfriend who loves President Regan almost as much as Casey does (because nobody loves President Regan more than Casey does) and she can be a horrible cook, but a great decorator. And that way, when I finally get around to begging some graphically gifted friend to make me a banner for Giselle, they’ll have a much easier time finding pictures!
As for the rest...
Please make Chuck and Sarah less annoying next year. They’re together now - they know that they both love each other, so let’s have less of the silly "let’s do everything we can to keep our leads apart and make our loyal viewers wonder why we ever loved them in the first place". I should want to ship Chuck and Sarah together because they’re adorable and sweet. Not because they would be a lot less annoying if they were a couple.
Also, I’m a tad upset with you for killing Papa Bartowski but I have been able to get past this as I just see this as Sam Beckett returning to his mission after a brief break with his real life and continuing to help people because that's what he does!