Monday Maddness

Jul 21, 2003 19:38

1. Do you remember what you dream about; and if so, have you had any recurring dreams?
Sometimes I remember and sometimes I don't. Depends on how close I am to waking up. ^_^

2. What is the weirdest dream you ever had?
I've had too many weird ones to count. At the moment, one of the billions I can think of is a two part where I'm taking pictures of something and having fun with friends. Six months later I have another dream and I developed those pictures and I was going back through the memories...

3. Do you think your dreams have anything to do with what food you eat, what mood you're in, or something that's been bothering you at the time?
Something thats bothering me or what mood I'm in. generally if I'm happy without reason then I don't remember my dreams but if I'm feeling upset, then I'll have my oddest dreams.

4. Have you ever been interested in knowing what your dreams mean, to the point of visiting a dream analyst or reading a book about dreams?
Occasionally, but by now I've learned to analyze my own dreams and others.


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