*evil eyes*

Jul 20, 2003 18:02

Attention all those who want a dad: Take MINE.

He thinks I'm online too much, right? Well I'm not supposed to have a boyfriend, I'm not allowed to spend the night at my friend's houses, I get yelled at if I'm not home at a certian time, and when I DO go out, I get phone calls every second. I don't like TV, I prefer to not melt my brain. I've got younger siblings, so I can't do anything crafty without them getting inthe way. I live out in the middle of nowhere, so theres no friend's houses to walk to. I'm kept prisoner. It's not fair. And then today, todays been much worse. Started out ok I guess, then he comes inside and gets upset becuase I didn't start cutting potatoes and wouldn't let my mom help cook dinner. So me and mom are folding laundry and he goes to call the dog in. Instead he watches the dog, decides that its eating things that its only smelling, and comes barging back into the house, locked the door and said the dog wasn't coming back in. So mom gets up and goes to get the dog, and fences in the mudroom and calls for the dog. Dad's like what are you doing? She goes well you won't let it in! and starts to prepare a bath for it, so he could be clean by my dads standards to come inside the rest of the house. So he goes to yell at her and tells her to just look at the dog and see if hes clean and is basically going off on her and yelling at her for nothing. You DON'T go yelling at MY mom!. (yes they are both my biological parents) So then he gets it in his head that us kids need to do more work around the house and learn to have better habits. So he gets some cock-a-minie idea that we should all have chores. So he forces us to sit down and create a list of chores and nearly forces us again to do it his way with a rotating schedule. We fought back on this one and finally he got fed up enough to let us do it our way, and we are minimally happy. He's just been a big nerve grinder all day, it sucks. He's evil, I tell you, evil.

I want to run away.


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