Sesame Seeds in a White Dish

Jul 28, 2002 23:15

Things that bother me:

People who litter
People who abuse animals
Buses that do not come on time
A lot of people in one area.. for example today in TOP TOMATO I screamed out "VENOM" because there were many venomous people wheeling carts..
Soccer teams moving from NY to OREGON
Not ever seeing Shannon MacMillan play =(
When people's fingers peel for no reason
Wrinkles in clothes
Hair on soap
Wet towels
Red Sox fans
Mike Piazza..
The fact that Melissa Ferrick has not played here in ages
Black pens
People who race their cars to be cool..
People who drive GALANTS
Bars in Bay Ridge Brooklyn
Men with body hair and fat stomachs who dont wear shirts
People who call you at midnite and never shut up
People drinking your Vanilla Coke
President GWB
His Father..
Rap Music
Commercial Radio as a whole..
More then 3 spanish songs in a row at Hens
No place to sit in a bar
Bensonhurt Barbies
The smell of Indian/Paki food cooking
Seeing pigs hanging upside down from strings @ Western Beef
Bugs entering your house through the screen..
Razor Burn
Orange Cheese Fingers after eating Cheese Doodles
No Bud Lite served???@!?!
Venomous Bartender
The smell of Clorox Cleanup
The smell of Ajax on your hands
Not being able to sleep
Crazy girls
Pepsi.. ick
Meat with fat or skin
Anything on bones
Holes in socks
Back Pain
Dirty Sunglasses
Having to wear underwear sometimes
Having someone hit a winning shot behind you in tennis
Stuffed Nose
No Food
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