Title: Alabaster
Characters // Pairings: Riku, Namine, Sora // guess
Rating // Warnings: T // blood n stuff
Canon: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories AU
Wordcount: 286
Summary: White, white, white, red, black, white, green.
He follows the curve of her legs. She's sitting on a white chair in a white room, wearing a white dress, and her alabaster skin is pulled taut over white bones and white lies.
Her ankles are pulled unnaturally close to the legs of her chair, and he realizes -- the white legs and white chair are pulled together, entangled clumsily by a shock of thorny green.
For everything that he's seen, he's not sure he understands this. He looks back at her face, but she is not looking at him -- instead, her gaze is focused against the white wall, away from his grimy shadow and her blood spilled on the white tiles.
His blackness, the red spilled across the green (Christmas gone wrong, he thinks rather wryly) and her blue eyes, their watery consistency moving constantly, they are the only color in the room. The white is blinding, and he wants to shut his eyes -- but there is something that keeps him looking directly at her, chained only by rose thorns to a white chair in a white room in a white castle full of mistruths and memories turned sour.
And now somehow she stands, and he realizes she is trembling. She is silent, but she walks, the treads of her sandals leaving bloody imprints on the floor. She does not say anything and instead leads him into the next room.
The ragdoll girl with the bloody ankles and the thorns twisting into her bones remains silent as he approaches the pod. Within its feathers is something he has been fighting for.
Namine gives a pained little smile. Riku drops to his knees.
Sora sleeps, and slowly, the world forgets all of them.