I wuv you, I wuv you, said the little blue man...

Jan 08, 2010 00:45


I had more cogent things to say, but I'm too sleepy. Perhaps I'll revisit them later. In the meantime, my summary is that the movie begins with the strong authenticity and wonderment of The Abyss, and ends with the dramatic and political sophistication of Return of the Jedi. Which is no terrible thing. I LIKE Return of the Jedi. I'm even an Ewok apologist. But which way are we going here? The film is not poetic enough to be fully satisfying as escapist fantasy, and intellectually it is far too shallow and disjointed to work as serious science fiction. On the whole, despite reportedly sitting in James Cameron's brain for a decade, it gives the impression of a story that needs more time to simmer; to figure itself out. In big ways and small ways it is constantly bumping into itself, resulting in an increasingly ungainly film that is far less than the sum of its parts.
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