White Flag (12/?)

Dec 11, 2006 20:51

Sam raced after Brooke, only pausing to assure Mike that he hadn’t actually said anything wrong. She made her way up the stairs and down the hall to the bathroom she and Brooke had once shared. She could hear the sobs Brooke was trying so desperately to mask through the door. Of all the ways she’d wanted the blonde to find out about her impending nuptials, this was not it. She’d known Brooke would take it badly. How could she not? They’d spent fifteen glorious years together, and Sam didn’t know how she’d feel if the shoe was on the other foot, but she knew she wouldn’t be happy.

She knocked on the door gently, and heard a muffled “Go away.”

“Brooke, it’s me.” Sam called through the door, getting no response from the blonde. “Come on Brooke, I think we need to talk,” she tried again.

That earned her a bitter chuckle. “Now you want to talk? Well I don’t want to talk to you. So why don’t you go back down stairs to your family and talk about your wedding.”

“Brooke, I’m coming in if I have to take the knob off the door.” Sam said rattling the locked handle.

She heard a sigh, and the water running before the gentle click of the lock being turned. The door opened, and aside from Brooke’s puffy, swollen eyes, you couldn’t tell she’d been crying. She ran her hands through her shoulder length blonde hair and looked at Sam expectantly. “You wanted to talk. Talk.” She said in a cool, husky tone that Sam hadn’t heard since high school.

“Look, I didn’t want you to find out like that. Mom said she wasn’t going to bring up today. I…”

“How, how long, Sam?” Brooke interrupted her, her whispered question surprising the brunette.

“I’m sorry, what?”

“How long have you been…” she asked again, unable to say the word.

Sam lowered her head guiltily. She worked her throat a few times, willing the words to come out. “Since,” she croaked and cleared her throat. “Since, the first weekend you took Cara after you came back from Italy.”

“Two months? You’ve been engaged two months, and you never told me?” Brooke asked enraged.

“There was never a good time to…”

“Never a good time, we only talked on the phone everyday for the past month!”

Sam flinched at that. She knew her excuse was flimsy. “You were upset about Cara, I didn’t think it would do either of us any good for me to ‘kick you while you were down.’”

“So, when were you planning on telling me? When you asked me to take Cara for the weekend so you could go on your honeymoon?!” Brooke shouted as she stood up and paced like a hungry lion. Her hazel eyes flashed at Sam, and the brunette felt helpless to do anything to stop the inevitable fallout.

“No, I was planning on telling you soon. I didn’t have an exact date picked out or anything if that’s what you want to know. Who can plan for something like that?”

“Is that why she’s not here tonight? Because you’re too much of a coward to tell me about this?” Brooke seethed.

Okay, there was being upset, and then there was name calling. She was not a coward. She’d been trying to spare Brooke’s feelings. She didn’t owe Brooke any explanation after all. They weren’t together anymore. “First of all, I’m not a coward. Not telling you has nothing to do with cowardice and everything to do with discretion. Excuse me for wanting to spare your feelings for as long as I possibly could.”

“Spare my feelings? Well that’s awfully big of you, Sam,” Brooke said with a sarcastic laugh.

“Second,” Sam practically growled through clinched teeth. “Kat isn’t here because she had errands to run before we head out of town tonight,” Sam finished before she could stop herself.

“Out of town? You know I can’t watch Cara anymore this week,” Brooke said momentarily confused.

“I wasn’t planning on leaving her with you. I’m taking her with me,” Sam replied evenly.

“Just where are you and Malibu Barbie taking my daughter?” Brooke asked, her temper flaring again.

“I’m taking our daughter to Oregon to visit with Kat’s family, since we always spend Thanksgiving here.”

“Oh my God, that’s why you had me take her for the week isn’t it? So I wouldn’t want to take her this weekend. So you can go play house with that blonde bitch!” Brooke practically spat. It was the first time she’d ever referred to the other blonde in such a harsh manor, but she was beyond caring.

Sam saw red. “How dare you call her that?! She’s been nothing but courteous to you. You have no right!”

“I have every right! She’s in there warming my bed with my wife, and playing mother to my daughter!”

Sam was stunned for a moment. “Brooke, I’m not your wife anymore! But I will be hers and she has every right to warm my bed. Is that what this is all about? You’re jealous that you’re not my “one and only” anymore? Well you haven’t been for two years now, and let me just say, it’s been nice to try something new for a change,” Sam spat back at her.

Brooke looked like she wanted to smack her, but she did something Sam never suspected. She walked across the room towards Sam, grabbed the brunette’s shoulders and brought their lips together roughly. Sam had been unable to stop the gasp that escaped her throat, and the blonde took advantage of it, slipping her tongue into her mouth. Sam tried to fight, but she couldn’t stop her body’s almost instantaneous response. After all this time, Brooke still possessed this power over her, and she was helpless to stop her. She felt herself not only relax but practically melt into the blonde. Her tongue dueled with Brooke’s for control and before she knew what she was doing, her hands were thrusting into Brooke’s silken locks and pulling her closer. She whimpered when Brooke nipped at her bottom lip, and ran her hand down her spine. The sound of her moan brought her back to reality, and she pushed the blonde away from her, willing herself to breathe normally.

Brooke wasn’t fairing much better, her breath coming out in shallow pants. They eyed each other cautiously almost as if they were afraid if they moved closer to one another, it might happen again. “Ask yourself something, Sammy.” Brooke started, her voice husky. “If it’s been so nice then why have you been going out of your way to lie to me? And if you’re really over me, then why did you respond to me like that?” She asked before throwing open the door and walking out of the bathroom.


fanfiction, white flag, popular

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