Fic: No One Said a Word

Mar 24, 2010 20:24

Title: No One Said a Word
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Brittany/Santana(mentions of Rachel/Quinn)
Prompts: written for the very awesome gilligankane who absolutely deserves this fic and wanted to happy!Brittana future!fic.
Summary: The first five times that Santana Lopez wishes her daughter would just grow up and the one time she doesn't.
Disclaimer: I don't own them. If I did, they'd probably go at it like bunnies.
A/N: This was a labor of love that started a few months ago and I hope that gilligankane likes the final project. Also a special thanks to an_an0maly and Amena for letting me use "The P" in this fic. That really is its official name. And another thanks to mugs_fic for the quick beta and shady76 for your help on that part I was stuck on.

Anyway, I hope you'll all like this. Comments are love!

The first time Santana Lopez wishes her daughter would just grow up is shortly after they bring her home from the hospital. Brittany is taking a nap after having had exactly 4 hours of sleep in two days and Santana is left in charge because she's had at least double that in the same amount of time. She decided Brittany really needed to sleep when she tried to warm the baby's bottle in the blender that morning. Normally she's on top of that sort of thing. Only Santana really didn't think that plan through because she really has no idea what to do with a newborn and will probably drop her or feed her the wrong way. It's not like she can ask the baby how she feels or what to do because she's a baby and well that would just be crazy. But when the baby starts fussing and she can't figure out what's wrong, she starts to think that it may be her only option.

"This will be much easier when you can talk, you know?" Santana says, looking down at her daughter. Blue eyes stare back at her curiously and she sighs. She hopes that the baby will be walking and talking soon because this is the part she'd been dreading and she isn't sure what Rachel, Quinn and Brittany are always going on about. She's a baby. She just eats and sleeps and makes dirty diapers and is the reason neither of them is getting any sleep.

And she's really ready for that to start happening again.


The second time Santana Lopez wishes her daughter would just grow up is two years later. The "terrible twos" have hit and she's sure one of them won't survive them. Her money is on her because she can't seem to say the word "no" to her little girl, but that's okay because the miniature blonde says the word more than anyone else in the house. Brittany just smiles and says she remembers when Abigail Fabray was going through them and how Quinn wanted to rip her hair out. She tells Santana they should count their blessings because they have an angel who just knows what she wants. She also says that Santana should be happy that Sunny takes after her in that way because, despite them choosing a Mexican donor, Sunny looks just like Brittany did as a kid, platinum blond hair and bright blue eyes. And most people think Santana is her nanny and stare at her strangely when the little girl calls her "Mama." Santana wants to tell them just where they can stick their dirty looks, but Brittany always seems to be nearby and makes Santana watch her language. If Sunny were older, Santana wouldn't have to worry about it.

If Sunny were older, she also wouldn't insist on sleeping in their bed every night. It's been two months since Santana's been able to touch, Brittany. If Sunny were older, Santana could just send her to her room.


By the time Sunny is seven, Santana thinks that maybe she's at just the right age. She makes Santana feel useful and strong and like a fucking Superhero most days. Brittany says she's never seen Santana smile so much and as much as Santana likes to deny it, she knows it's true. She never thought she'd get the hang of this. In fact, she'd been kind of terrified when Brittany first told her she wanted to have a baby, but one look into those blue eyes and Santana was agreeing before she even knew that words were coming out of her mouth. She still wasn't great at this, but she liked to think that she was at somewhat good at it. After all, Sunny always asked her to make the pancakes and kill the spiders. Sunny asked her to teach her how to ride a two-wheel bike and it was Santana's shoulder she cried on when she skinned her knee after she fell off of her bike. They read the paper together every morning and Sunny thinks her jokes are funny.

They really have a good thing going, the two of them and Brittany seems to be pretty happy with her too. That is until she makes the fatal mistake of letting Sunny stay up late one night and watch Donnie Darko while Brittany is out of town. It doesn't hit her that maybe this was a bad idea until it's near the end and the kid from behind the bunny mask hits Donnie's girlfriend. Sunny hides behind the pillow and won't come out until Santana turns the movie off. And no matter what she does, she can't get Sunny to stop crying. Brittany is not happy when she gets home. She says that Santana should've realized that "R" rated movies aren't meant for seven-year-olds. Sunny sleeps in their beds for two months after that. Santana's allowed back in after a month.



Santana probably hasn't run that fast since the suicides Coach Sylvester used to make the Cheerios run in the gym, but she burst in the bathroom and finds ten-year-old Sunny hunched over the toilet crying. She's really trying to stay calm, but she's totally freaking on the inside. She touches Sunny's shoulder, pushing one platinum braid forward. "What's wrong?" Sunny doesn't bother to answer just cries a little harder and Santana can feel her heart break a little. "Hey, Little S, I can't help if you don't tell me what's wrong." When Sunny uncurls, Santana isn't prepared for the crimson stains setting into the new pair or Bratz themed panties they just bought last week. A million reasons of what could have happened in the ten minutes it's been since Sunny declared she needed to use the bathroom and now come rushing forward and Santana has to brace herself on the counter. "What the hell happened?"

The words prove to be less than comforting to a frightened little girl and Santana wants to kick her own ass when Sunny just cries even harder. It also occurs to her what exactly is happening and she wants to kill Brittany for riding with Quinn to drop Abby off to Puck in Lima. That's about two hours from where they all live in Cleveland. Santana wants to panic, but knows she can't. It just isn't fair. Brittany said she'd handle this subject and of course she isn't even around. But getting mad isn't going to help her right now. So, she reassures Sunny that she isn't dying and tells her she'll explain if Sunny would just go wait in her room. She calls Brittany completely freaking out and, after she, Quinn and even Abby spend a good five minutes laughing at her, Brittany tells her to just tell Sunny the facts and she'll talk to her when she gets back.

Santana thinks she can handle that, but somehow manages to forget that Sunny is half Brittany's and, by the time she's done talking, Sunny's even more confused about periods, which she calls "The P," babies and really just sex in general. And Santana's wishing that she were just a little older so that she could learn about this stuff in school and she doesn't have to think about it at all.


Santana gets the call first and tells Brittany not to leave work because she can handle this. The school doesn't call often for Sunny and Santana figures she's just pretending to be sick to get out of the math quiz she has last period. She is surprised when she gets in the office and sees a disheveled Sunny Lopez with a ripped shirt. She's even more surprised to see a boy that kind of reminds her of Dave Karofsky sitting next to her, holding an ice pack to his black eye and sporting a busted lip. The principal is clearly frustrated and Sunny isn't talking and neither is the boy. So, Santana takes Sunny home to begin her week-long forced vacation from school and can't figure out why Sunny won't even look at her while they drive home.

It isn't until later, while Brittany is combing her fingers through Sunny's long, blond locks as the girl sobs and Santana's listening by the door that she learns what happened. The boy, Johnny Karofsky go figure, wrote "dyke" on Sunny's locker and has been harrassing her for the better part of three months for having two mothers. Santana is ashamed. She remembers doing the same thing to Rachel in middle school and wonders if maybe this was God teaching her a lesson. Maybe she'll treat Rachel to lunch tomorrow and apologize again. She's lucky she and Brittany stayed friends with Quinn and Rachel. She's also lucky that Rachel's dads don't hate her guts like she does that kid Johnny for making her little girl cry.

Mostly she just wishes that Sunny were older than thirteen and didn't have to fight her mothers' battles.


Three years later, while sitting at the dinner table, Santana isn't sure why she was in such a rush to have Sunny grow up because she's sure she's having a stroke. Yes, this is definitely what a stroke feels like.

"Mama, did you hear me?" The use of the name Sunny probably hasn't used since she was thirteen brings Santana out of her thoughts.

"What?" Santana asks quietly.

"I said, Gabriel asked me out. Mom said I could go."

Santana's eyes move to meet her wife's and Brittany smiles a familiar smile. The one she perfected in high school. The one that lets Santana know that she's about to give Brittany anything she wants. She looks back at her daughter who is wearing an identical smile and who reminds her of Brittany so much sometimes that she's been dreading this very day since Brittany first held her in her arms and told Santana that were naming her Sunshine Lopez and all she could do was nod. Santana wants to say no. She wants to say that Sunny isn't allowed to date until she's married and lock her away in her room. She wants to threaten a kid she's known practically since he was conceived and tell him to stay far, far away from her little girl and not to come back until he's not a seventeen-year-old boy anymore. She doesn't think that will go over well with Rachel, Quinn or Brittany and besides she knows he's really a good kid. She just wishes he didn't share his DNA with Puck and Rachel because she really isn't sure which of them were worse in high school.

So, she just nods and kind of listens in while Brittany and Sunny talk about what she's going to wear and going shopping the next day and she only speaks to say that she will absolutely be present to make sure that everything is properly covered up. She'll probably get online and investigate Swiss, all-girls, boarding schools later. Although maybe that's not a good idea because she knows exactly what she and Brittany were doing when they were that age. And that thought terrifies Santana even more. Maybe she will have a talk with Gabriel after all.

fanfiction, no one said a word, brittany/santana, glee, rachel/quinn

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