FIC: The Black Holes that Surround You

Feb 22, 2010 03:52

Title: The Black Holes that Surround You
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Quinn/Rachel, Rachel/Finn
Prompts: Quinn/Rachel cheating
Summary: Quinn's not a very nice person.
Disclaimer: I don't own them. If I did, they'd probably go at it like bunnies.
A/N: It's nearly 4am, but this wanted to be written tonight. I hope you all enjoy more of the fucked up!Quinn series. This one takes place between Your Face is Full of Lies and Something in Your Head You've Been Fighting. The prompt was taken from femslash_today's porn battle.

Quinn sort of trips when she walks through the back door. She waves Brittany away and the blonde girl waves back. She'd insisted on driving Quinn home because she thought Quinn was too high to drive and it is too cold for the shorter girl to walk the thirty minutes back to Rachel's. Quinn is annoyed by her concern. She's not a child and she has no parents to tell her what to do. So, she would really appreciate if everyone would stop trying to parent her. She's doing pretty fucking well on her own, thank you very much.

Okay so maybe her brain is a little fuzzy and her mouth feels like she hasn't had a drink in fifty years, but she still knows her right from her left. Well she sort of does and really the only thing that's wrong with her is that she's starving. Thank God Rachel's dads went grocery shopping two days ago because strawberry Poptarts sound like the most amazing fucking thing at the moment. And maybe she'll throw some peanut butter on there or something. Yep, that sounds like it will taste really fucking delicious right now.

She's searching the cupboards for the little blue box when she hears a noise on the stairs. She peers around the side of it just in time to see Finn Hudson himself stumbling down into the kitchen, trying to put his left shoe on. His shirt is half-tucked in and his fly is down. Just the sight of him causes her temper to flare and she's even more annoyed because it's messing with her buzz. It's not like she never sees him, because she does. A lot, but he hasn't ever been here to the house, at least not while she was also home. She slams the wooden door shut and he looks up, losing his balance and crashing into the wall. His face turns bright red and he sort of half smiles and gives her a little wave. "Hey, Quinn."

They haven't really recovered from her lying to him about the baby, but he's always nice to her. Too bad for him that she isn't really interested in having a conversation with him, ever. He's a nice guy and all, but she wonders how she ever dated him. He makes Forrest Gump look like a rocket scientist. "Finn..."

"I was...Rachel and I were doing our...homework."

Ah Rachel. Quinn had pretty much gone back to ignoring Rachel's very presence after she'd gotten what she wanted. She isn't sure what Santana told Coach Sylvester, but Quinn will be reinstated as captain as soon as next Monday and Santana's been a real cunt about losing the bet, but Quinn couldn't really give a shit because she's captain again and all is as it should be.

She really has no use for Rachel and she can't even say that their faux friendship was fun while it lasted because really she spent half the time wanting to hurl herself off of a bridge with no water beneath of it. She's just glad it's over. But now Finn is here and she's wondering if Rachel slept with him. And she doesn't know why but the idea of it happening is seriously pissing her off. The part of her that takes great pleasure in ruining Rachel's life as often as she can is itching to tell him that she had been there and done that and it really wasn't all that great.

"What do you think I'm an idiot?" She snaps. "I remember what we used to do when my parents weren't home. I also know that look on your face." She takes perverse pleasure in how his face turns even redder and he ducks his head guiltily. "I didn't think really easy girls were your thing. Well, I certainly hope you enjoyed it more than I-"

"Finn, wait!" Rachel cries as she comes running down the stairs. "You forgot your bookbag." The brunette stops short and follows Finn's line of vision to the blonde. "'re home," she says flatly.

Quinn takes in Rachel's disheveled appearance. Her shirt is buttoned wrong and her lipstick is smeared. Her dark hair is sticking up in places and Quinn can feel a familiar flare of anger boil in her stomach. It's like they're back to where they were a year ago. Only this time it's Rachel on Finn's arm. She smiles cruelly and looks at both of them. "Yes, I am and it seems like just in time. I wonder what your fathers would say if they knew that you'd had Finn over while no one was home. Really Finn, she's a smart girl, but sometimes it's like she doesn't think that all."

"You aren' wouldn't...tell them about this, right?" Rachel asks.

"Well of course I am, sweetie. I mean I can't in good conscious let you follow the same life-destroying path I took. Look how far that got me. It only takes one time, you know?"

"Oh Quinn, cut the crap. Nothing happened," Finn says angrily.

Quinn just grins even more. He really has no idea just who he's dealing with. "I would watch my tone if I were you. I'd hate to see Mr. and Mr. Berry have to stop Rachel from seeing you because of your bad temper, tsk tsk."

She can see him gearing up for a fight and she welcomes it, because telling him how she'd fucked his girlfriend in her bed just days before will be so much better with Rachel standing right here in the room. Only Rachel lays a hand on his chest and grabs his attention. "It's okay, Finn. I'm sure Quinn and I can talk this out. I think you should just go."

He doesn't really want to go. Quinn can see it, but Rachel just smiles at him reassuringly and he eventually nods. He leans down to kiss Rachel on the lips, but when he remembers that Quinn is standing right there, he stops at her forehead. Rachel waves at him as he leaves, her smile bright as he fades into the distance. Quinn turns back to the cupboard. She's really pissed that her high is almost completely gone and now she doesn't want the Poptarts at all.

"Look, I know we're not 'friends' or whatever," Rachel says in that determined Rachel Berry voice that makes Quinn want to punch her in the face. "But I'd really appreciate if you didn't mention this to my fathers. They trust me a lot and I don't want to do anything to destroy that trust."

"Well, maybe you should have thought about that before you broke the rules," Quinn says with a shrug. Since she didn't get a chance to tell Finn about what happened between her and Rachel, she'll settle for telling Rachel's dads about this little incident. At most, it will get Rachel grounded for two weeks according to the Berry family Rules/Punishment book she'd been given upon first moving in.

"Quinn, this isn't funny. Please don't tell them." Rachel moves across the kitchen, stepping in front of the blonde. Her dark eyes are pleading, but Quinn isn't affected by them.

"I'm sorry, Rachel. I have to," Quinn tries to step around Rachel, but the other girl moves into her path.

"Quinn, please?"

Loving every second of this, Quinn just shakes her head, trying to get past again. "Sorry, Rach, it won't work."


"Rachel..." Quinn manages to get past the shorter girl and is almost up to the stairs when Rachel's words stop her in her tracks.

"I never thought you'd stoop this low out of jealousy, Quinn."

The blonde turns slowly wondering if Rachel has actually had a break with reality or if she actually believes what she just said. One look at her face let's Quinn know that she is dead serious. She laughs incredulously. "Oh don't flatter yourself, Berry. Finn Hudson is so last year. I don't want your boyfriend."

Rachel lifts her chin. "Who said anything about you being jealous of me?"

Oh. Oh this is rich. Rachel actually thought she wanted her? Maybe Quinn should ask her fathers to take her to the doctor and have her head checked. "I definitely do not want you."

To Rachel's credit, she doesn't even flinch at Quinn's nasty tone. "Yes, you do. You told me you liked me that night and I know you weren't lying. I could see it in your eyes. It's perfectly natural for you to feel rivalry with Finn."

She isn't sure if it's Rachel's words or the condescending tone she is using, but she is furious that she even had the nerve to utter such nonsense to her. Quinn moves across the kitchen and backs Rachel into the corner of the cabinets. "Get this through your head, slut. I do not want you. You were just convenient and I was high. I don't care about you or my sloppy seconds you're passing off as your boyfriend. Because there would never be any rivalry and he'd certainly never win." She's in Rachel's face at this point and that's when she sees it. That flicker of...something on Rachel's face and it hits her. Rachel still wants her. The very thought makes her stomach turn because this is sick and unnatural. But there's a part of Quinn that is thrilled over this new power she has over Rachel. It's like the ultimate slushie.

"My God," she breaths. "You really are a slut, aren't you? You still want me. You're pathetic, Rachel."

Rachel closes her eyes and looks away. "I am not a slut! And no, I don't."

"Liar, liar, pants on fire," Quinn taunts in a soft, menacing voice. "You know what happens to girls who lie, don't you?"

Dark eyes turn back to her and Rachel bite her bottom lip. "What?"

"They get punished." Quinn's hand is up and under Rachel's skirt before either of them are aware that it moved. She pushes ruined panties aside and her finger move through the copious wetness. Rachel gasps. "You really are a filthy, little liar, Berry." She slides two fingers along Rachel's clit, working it slowly. "Did you think about me earlier? Did you remember how I felt inside of you while you had your hand down Finn's pants?" Rachel cries out and her head falls back. Quinn works her fingers faster. "Answer me," she growls.

Rachel whimpers. "No, I-I didn't think about you."

Quinn smiles sadistically. "Don't lie to me," she says as she leans forward and bites at the side of Rachel's neck. Rachel's moans.

"I...God, yes...I thought about you."

This time when Quinn's fingers slam inside of Rachel, there's no longer a barrier and Rachel hisses in pleasure. "Did you let him do this? Did you let him finger you?"

Moaning, Rachel nods, her hips rocking as Quinn's fingers move in and out of her faster, going deeper with each stroke. "Tell me, Rachel. What do you think he'd do if he ever found out that you not only let me do this, but that you wanted it more than you wanted it with him? What do you think he'd do if he knew that he could never really compete because I'd always be better?" Quinn nipped at Rachel's neck again before latching her lips onto Rachel's neck, making sure to leave a mark in hopes of giving the brunette something she'd have to explain to her boyfriend. "Do you think he'd stick around if he knew just how easy you really are?" Rachel grows impossibly wetter at Quinn's words and Rachel shakes her head.

"I am not easy! Don't say things like that about me." Rachel manages to say.

"No? Then why are you about to come?" Quinn whispers, twisting her fingers just so and pressing down on Rachel's clit with her thumb.

And as if on command, Rachel comes undone.

"Now listen to me, Treasure Trail. Just because you've decided to go all lez doesn't mean I have too. I do not want you and I never will." Quinn's fingers are gone almost as quickly as they appear. She moves to the sink and washes her hands.

She can hear Rachel trying to calm her breathing and Rachel's fathers come into the kitchen moments later. They greet the girls happily and frown when they notice Rachel's flustered state. "What's wrong, honey?" One coos, while the other moves to her side and touches her forehead.

"You feel warm. Are you okay?"

"I think. I'm coming down with something," Rachel says quietly before taking a deep, watery breath.

"Yeah, she's been all flushed like that since I came home. I just figured it had something to do with Finn being her room when I got here. Maybe she is really sick." Quinn sighs in faux concern and then heads upstairs to her room.

rachel/finn, the black holes that surround you, porn battle, fanfiction, glee, rachel/quinn

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