FIC: Something in Your Head You've Been Fighting

Feb 18, 2010 04:31

Title: Something in Your Head You've Been Fighting
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Quinn/Rachel
Prompts: Quinn/Rachel slushie, Quinn/Rachel hate sex
Summary: Quinn's not a very nice person.
Disclaimer: I don't own them. If I did, they'd probably go at it like bunnies.
A/N: This was written for femslash_today's porn battle. I really have no idea where the hell this came from, but I just let the story take me where it wanted to go. I hope you like it. It's been a while since I've written Faberry. I felt a little rusty.

Quinn remembers the first time she threw a slushie into Rachel Berry's face. It was freshman year and she was wearing this god-awful orange and green sweater. Really she'd done the girl a favor and it had filled Quinn with this sickeningly, thrilling sense of power. Sort of like how she is feeling right now. Rachel is tied down to her bed and blindfolded. Quinn had stripped her of her clothing an hour ago and had taken her time torturing Rachel with feather-soft kisses and touches, not out of some sense of tenderness, but simply because torturing Rachel Berry is what she does best.

This...thing between them is nothing more than experiment, a sick bet Quinn made with Santana Lopez that she could get Rachel into bed. She's never questioned why she even made the bet in the first place or why she didn't just end it the first time it happened. She just knows it's been a month and she hasn't had her fill of showing Rachel just how good at all of this, torturing, humiliating, exerting her power, she is.

She also knows that the cup in her hand is freezing and making her arm hurt a little. She moves to the bed, smirking as Rachel turns her head, straining against the blindfold to see where she is, but Quinn knows she can't and that makes her smile even more. She lifts the cup slowly and tilts it just enough for a single stream slips over the edge and the red slush falls between small, but perfect round breast and over toned, tan abs. Rachel gasps and shakes, the cold liquid taking her by surprise. Quinn stares at her for a moment, enjoying the contrast between red and brown. She does this a lot. Just looks at Rachel's perfect body and hates her for it. Rachel's body isn't marred by stretch marks or a Cesarean scar. Her breast haven't been misshaped from having carried milk in them. No, she is perfect and it makes Quinn hate her even more.

Quinn's mouth is rough as it follows the path of the slushie, pausing to take first one nipple into her mouth, sucking greedily before biting down ruthlessly until Rachel cries out. Whether it is out of pleasure or pain, Quinn doesn't know and she really doesn't care. All she knows is Rachel didn't tell her to stop and arches up when the blonde moves to the other breast.

Rachel's skin is sticky and the sweet, cherry flavored drink has almost dried when Quinn's mouth moves along her abdomen, her tongue dipping into her navel and lapping at the juice that has pooled there. She pulls back, grabbing the cup from the nearby table and setting it on the floor as she slides off the edge of the bed, her knees hitting the plush carpet of Rachel's room. She's grateful she decided to go with longer restraints because it makes this all easier. Grabbing Rachel's thighs, she pull her to the edge of the bed and spreads them wide, exposing the wet, swollen, red flesh to her. Quinn licks at the first one thigh and then the other. Rachel's whimpers and gasps fill her ears and spur her on. She latches onto the left thigh, her teeth sinking in as she sucks, hard, making sure to leave her mark before she releases the purpling flesh with a sigh of satisfaction. She grabs the cup and pushes the wet folds before her open, pouring the icy mix over the wet heat not caring that she was ruining the quilt Rachel's grandmother made for her when she was born.

A strangled cry rips from the brunette's mouth and Quinn laps at the sweet mixture, her lips closing around Rachel's clit and sucking before biting down just as she slips two fingers deep into Rachel's tight passage. The other girl moans loudly, arching up. As she pumps her fingers in and out at a hard and fast pace, Rachel's hips rock and her head thrashes about on the pillow. Quinn flicks as the nub still between her teeth, enjoying the way Rachel tightens even more around her fingers with every swipe of her tongue. It won't take much longer and she's glad because she's grown bored of this game. With one last lick and the curling of her fingers just so, Quinn listens as Rachel comes undone, her inner walls grabbing at Quinn still seeking digits as they slow before she pulls them out completely and she pulls away.

Quinn wipes her mouth on the back of her hand and her hand on the blanket before climbing up Rachel's body. She presses a hard, punishing kiss to the brunette's full lips, loving the way Rachel's tongue pushes into her mouth and she moans as she tastes herself on Quinn's lips. The blonde pulls back, feeling herself slipping into the kiss a little. She glares down at Rachel as she unties the pieces of lycra and then moves off of the bed. Rachel's fingers claw at the blindfold and she manages to remove it just as Quinn is adjusting her clothes and reaching for her slushie. Their eyes meet for a moment and Quinn thinks Rachel's brown eyes remind her of an eager puppy awaiting commands from its master in hopes of another treat.

She looks away and walks out of the room without a word.

She's almost made it to her room when she hears footsteps on the stairs. She takes a long drink as she waits for Rachel's dads to appear. Quinn smiles brightly and they return the gesture. "Hi, Mr. and Mr. Berry. How was the movie?"

"It was good, Quinn. It's almost midnight. We didn't expect you girls to be up."

Quinn bites back a smirk. "Oh you know Rachel. Once you get her going, you can't shut her up." She uses her mostly sincerely fond voice and throws in a dramatic eye-roll that earns her a knowing grin from both of Rachel's fathers.

"Well, we're glad you girls had fun."

"Oh absolutely, but I'm exhausted," Quinn says, making a show of yawning. "I'm going to head to my room and read until I fall asleep."

Nodding, Rachel's dads bid her a good night and she makes a hasty retreat to her bedroom. She can hear first their door shut and then Rachel's door open. The brunette walks down the hall and pauses in front of Quinn's closed door and the blonde waits expectantly, her best glare firmly in place. She's not in the mood and she really does intend to read until she can't keep her eyes open any longer. There are a few moments of tense silence and Quinn is just about to call out to Rachel before she hears footsteps turn and head for the bathroom.

Quinn smirks when she hears the shower turn on.

something in your head you've been fight, porn battle, fanfiction, glee, rachel/quinn

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