FIC: No Matter the Miles (13/ tentatively 20)

Jul 03, 2009 21:36

Title: No Matter the Miles (13/ tentatively 20 ( Read more... )

miranda/andy, no matter the miles, devil wears prada, dwp, fanfiction

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inlove_n_inhate July 4 2009, 04:59:05 UTC
Okay, see I knew I wasn't going to like Abigail but I find that I not only not like her but have a strong urge to throttle the woman. I understand that her ideals of a fulfilling life are different than Andy's but why does she need to try and press blame upon Andy that doesn't belong upon her shoulders? (sigh) She bothered me, I'm sorry she just really did.

As for Nate, his ignorance to the situation about Miranda kinda made it obvious how little he really knows or wants to know about his daughters life, especially if he didn't know Chuck was going to be going to Dalton. The fact he focused on the money bothered me, but not much, its easy to see why he'd begin to worry about it especially with another little one on the way.

I loved that a simple phone call from Miranda could make Andy's day so much better. (smile) Oh my goodness the fact that the twins tried out their 'you can fly if you believe' on the neighbors cat had me laughing so much I had to cover my mouth I feared I'd wake my sister. Now the kiss...well that had my mouth hanging open and when Chuck walked in, for the first time I wished she wasn't there and then felt really bad for wishing she wasn't there...but now everythings different. I just hope for all their sakes its not a bad kinda different that Andy is currently fearing as she heads home on the train.

Wonderful update. I'm so glad to see this story, and its wonderful characters (even Abigail) again. (smile) Come back with more when you can, I'll be waiting.


grdnofevrythng July 5 2009, 15:01:05 UTC
What's sad is that there are a lot of women that act like that. They view working mothers as selfish women. Someone suggested I have Abigail meet Miranda. I'm sure that would put her in her place.

Him not knowing about Dalton has more to do with Andy not running everything by him because she's the primary parent. You just get used to making all of the decisions. At the end of the day, he will always be Nate and as such, he will never understand Andy as she is/was since she was thrown into the world of Runway. It's not his fault. He's just a man. :P

I'm glad you enjoyed Miranda's tales about the twins antics. And I'm sad you wished Chuck wasn't there, even if it were just for a moment. :P It's probably best they were interrupted before Andy's brain was the thing that stopped her. Then there'd be way more fallout to deal with.

Thank you for reading. You know how much I love your comments, so I won't squee. Ok maybe I'll squee a little. *squees*


ff_addict_555 July 5 2009, 23:43:51 UTC
I was so excited when I saw that you updated. This is such an awesome story. (and for once I think I waited rather paitiently lol)
I'm sad that Andy felt what happened with Miranda was not a good thing and that Andy felt that she must run from Miranda after the kiss especially since they were becoming closer. I always hate it when a character runs without thinking of how much they are hurting the other person yet I write about it all the time because it makes for a good story!
I really hope that you can update soon but if not I will be quietly waiting for when you can


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