FIC: No Matter the Miles (13/ tentatively 20)

Jul 03, 2009 21:36

Title: No Matter the Miles (13/ tentatively 20)
Rating: PG-13 (for now)
Pairing: Miranda/Andy
Prompt(s):From [info]random_flores..."Love's not a competition (but I'm winning)"
Summary: Five years after Andy leaves Runway, circumstances bring our two favorite characters back together.
Disclaimer: haha...please. If I owned them, they'd so do it every chance they got.
A/N: Sorry this was so long in coming. It is a lot longer than I intended, but I think we're finally breaking ground. LOL. I hope you all enjoy it. I've been obsessing about this chapter for a while. My rl has been in limbo a lot lately. So, I won't promise to update soon. I'll just say I'll try. Thanks to mugs_fic for being my temporary beta. She really kicked me in the pants and made this a better chapter than it started out to be. So, again. I hope you enjoy it and comments are most definitely love. I look forward to hearing what you thought.

The diner was nearly packed with the lunchtime rush, but Andy spotted the group right away. Chuck jumped up and down excitedly when she saw her father, running ahead to their table.

She practically leapt into his arms as he stood, pulling her close for a big hug. “There’s my little princess.”

“No Daddy, I’m not a princess anymore. I’m a dragon, see?” Chuck countered, holding up the purple dragon she had yet to put down for the past three days.

“I do see. That’s a pretty cool dragon,” he said as his gaze trailed over to Andy. “Hey, Andy...”

“Nate, you look good.” Andy moved into the half hug that probably looked as awkward as it felt.

Setting Chuck to her feet, he ran his fingers through his shaggy, dark curls and sat back next to his wife.

“Hi Abigail, it’s nice to see you again.” Andy smiled politely as Chuck climbed in the booth first, taking the time to set ‘Randa up properly. Abigail was a petite woman with curly, blond hair that Nate had met a few months after he’d moved to Boston. She was almost the complete opposite of Andy. From what she’d been told, Abigail’s only ambition in life was to be a wife and mother. She was a good church girl and dressed like she was fifty, not twenty-three. Theirs had been a whirlwind affair that ended with them getting married right before she’d given birth to Chuck.

“You too, Andy.” The blonde smiled sweetly. She smoothed her denim shirt, and picked up her menu.

“Oh my, it’s that little Patrick?” Andy asked, looking over at the toddler. He wore a light blue polo shirt that matched his father’s and made his blue eyes look like large pools of water. “I can’t believe he’s that big already. Then again I haven’t seen him in about a year and a half. Time really flies.” And it had. This was the first time she’d taken a good look at her ex in nearly just as long. He hadn’t changed much since the last time she’d seen him. He actually hadn’t changed much in the past five years. She thought he could use a haircut and he’d put on a few pounds, but he still looked like the same boy she’d met at freshman orientation.

Nate looked over and ruffled the platinum blonde curls on Patrick’s head and grinned at his wife. “So, I read that you’d spoke at the Women in Journalism luncheon. Congratulations, that’s like a big deal, right?”

Impressed that he remembered, Andy felt some of the tension leave that always seemed to resonate when they reunited. “Yeah, I think it’s a big deal. I got to meet some of my favorite female journalists. And they gave me a nice little plaque.”

It had been a great day. Standing among some of the greats, Andy had felt like she’d finally arrived. Everyone had been so nice, complimenting her on her success and telling her all of the pieces they’d loved. She’d even scoured a number of invites to other luncheons and parties. Cassidy had seemed taken by it all as well. Her face was alight with excitement for most of the afternoon and Andy was happy she could share it with her. She’d have killed for an opportunity like that when she’d been a budding journalist in high school. Cassidy had made a few contacts herself that night and Andy wondered if she wasn’t a little excited to have made them on her own merit, instead of using her mother’s name.

“Another award?” Abigail asked, breaking into Andy’s thoughts. “I still don’t know how you do it. Your job is so demanding and hectic. I mean taking care of Patrick is a full time job in itself.”

“Well, it’s not so hard. Chuck’s in school full time. I’ve been lucky. She went to a great daycare before that.” That was true. She’d been lucky in finding some of the best childcare in New York for a third of the cost it would have been in Manhattan.

“See? I couldn’t imagine putting Patrick in daycare, but when I decided to be a mother I knew I wanted to be a real mother. I just couldn’t imagine having someone else raise him.”

“Sending a child to daycare is not…some of us have the luxury of another parent at home. I had no such help and I think Chuck turned out well.”

“Oh, of course you’re right. Chuck is perfection. I just meant I couldn’t imagine being away from my child all day. It would kill me.”

“So Chuck, what do you want? I’m thinking about having a grilled cheese,” Nate interrupted, changing the subject.

Fuming, Andy picked up her menu and studied it. She and Abigail had never been friendly, but it was like this everytime they were in each other's presence. Abigail would find a way to get under her skin. Some little dig or…cute little observation. Nate was never any help and not for the first time, Andy wondered if he actually felt the same way. No wonder we ended like we did.

The waitress came and took all of their orders. Chuck was disappointed they didn’t have duck, but she ordered eggplant instead. Andy ordered a plate of fries, though she didn’t really feel like eating. There were plenty of other things she could be doing with her time. She didn’t have to put up with this crap, but one look at Chuck’s face as she chatted excitedly to her father and played across the table with her brother, reminded Andy of why she was here. She decided to be the bigger person and asked Nate about things at the restaurant.

“Guess what, Daddy,” Chuck said as the waitress brought their food.

“What?” Nate answered before taking a bite of his bacon and swiss burger.

“I’m gonna go to big girl school next year.”

“Is that so? Very cool.”

“Yeah, it’s a big school. Cassidy said there’s gymnastics there.”

“Sounds good, kiddo. How are you enjoying that eggplant?” He asked, pointing at the half eaten purple and red mess on her plate.

“It’s not as good at the kind at ‘Randa’s house.” Chuck wrinkled her nose in disgust. “But ‘Randa said dragons love eggplant because it’s purple.”

Nate paused at the name and frowned. “Chuck, who’s ‘Randa? Is that someone from your class?”

Chuck shook her head. “No, she’s Mummy’s friend. Aunt Lily says she’s a dragon.”

“Andy, tell me she isn’t talking about who I think she’s talking about.” Nate said in an irritated tone.

She really didn’t want to deal with this right now. “Nate…”

“She is isn’t she? You’re unbelievable, you know that?”

“Hey Chuck, why don’t we go to the restroom?” Abigail suggested, edging Nate out of the booth. He stood, letting her and Patrick out and Andy followed suit. They waited until the three were out of sight before continuing.

“How could you…expose Chuck to that…monster?”

“It’s not like that.” Andy said, though she was getting annoyed with having to defend herself. Nate had no right to question her decisions.

“Then tell me how it is because it sounds like you have let our daughter in the presence of a woman that ruined our relationship and nearly destroyed your life.”

“First of all, if our relationship couldn’t survive me having a job, then it wasn’t all that strong to begin with, now was it? And second, she isn’t that bad. She’s actually been helping me out.”

“And what could she possibly be helping you with that involves Chuck?”

“She’s helping me get Chuck into Dalton.”

“Dalton? Why are you sending Chuck to Dalton?”

Andy looked at him incredulously. “Because Dalton is one of the best schools in the country.”

“So, I’ve heard. Why would she help you? Especially after you, in your own words, royally screwed her in Paris or whatever.”

“Is it so hard to believe that she would actually be kind enough to help me?”

Nate didn’t even bother to answer. He just glared at her.

“Look a few months ago, she asked me to speak at her daughters’ school and in return she offered to help me with getting Chuck into Dalton.”

“Yeah, I’m so sure it’s that simple. That doesn’t explain why you’ve been apparently eating meals with her.”

“Not that it’s really any of your business, but Miranda’s daughter, Cassidy, is tutoring Chuck so that she can pass her entrance exam at Dalton.”

“Miranda’s daughter? Weren’t those kids complete brats? And entrance exams? For a five-year-old? That’s absurd.”

“Nate, they aren’t like that anymore. They’re older now. They’re really good with Chuck.”

“I’m sure. I bet you any amount of money she’s going to start acting like them. And why would you want to send her to school with kids like that? They’re all a bunch of spoiled pretentious brats. What are you going to do when Chuck realizes she will never actually fit in because you’re salary doesn’t end in seven zeros. News flash, you’re not exactly making the kind of money to send her there.”

“I’m well aware of that, but that’s what scholarships are for and financial aid.”

“Well, you’d better hope she gets a lot of them because I can’t afford to pay any more than I already do. I’m the only one that works and we have Patrick. And Abigail’s expecting again.”

“Oh, don’t worry, Nate. I wasn’t going to go after you for more child support. I told you when we made the agreement, I wouldn’t ever do that.” Five years and the subject of money had never come up and now this.

“And usually I would have believed you, but whenever you’re around her, you’re different and I’d prefer that you didn’t take Chuck anywhere near her.”

“Lucky for me, that isn’t really your decision.”

“Like hell it isn’t. She’s my daughter too.” Nate said, smacking the table.

“Yes, and I will definitely take your opinion into consideration, Nate. But let’s remember who the primary parent is,” Andy said, knowing it was a low blow, but not really caring.

“I can’t believe that you’re going to throw that in my face.”

“I’m not. I’m just stating the facts. The arrangement has been working very well for five years, let’s not change it.” Andy said with a sweet smile as she watched Abigail and the kids make their way back to the table.

“Mummy, Abigail said we’re going to the zoo tomorrow.”

Andy looked over at Nate in question. “We were going to go today, but Abigail’s parents invited us over for dinner. So, we figured we’d go before we left tomorrow. I’ll be over to pick Chuck up around ten.”

“Sounds good. Now, Chuck say bye to Daddy for now. They have to get to Staten Island and we have a date with the ice cream parlor.”

“Okay! See you tomorrow, Daddy.” Chuck said, giving him a big hug.

“See you tomorrow, Princess.” Nate said, kissing Chuck on the cheek.

“See you tomorrow, Nate. I hope things will be more pleasant after we’ve both had time to sleep on it.”

“Yeah me too,” Nate grumbled.

Andy said her goodbyes to Abigail and Patrick and within five minutes she and Chuck were headed toward their favorite ice cream place. Her phone rang and she snatched it open, thinking it was Nate. “Listen Nate…”

“Andrea?” Came a voice that certainly wasn’t Nate’s from the other end of the phone.

“Hi Miranda,” Andy said and grinned as Chuck’s face lit up.

“Tell ‘Randa I said hi and I’m going to the zoo tomorrow.”

“Oh well then I guess my call is invalid.” Miranda said with a sigh.

“Why? Why were you calling?” Andy asked, intrigued.

“I was going to ask if tonight’s postponed dinner could be tomorrow. We’re having duck and I know it’s one of Charlotte’s favorites. I didn’t realize you’d have plans.”

Andy was delighted by the invite. She’d thought Miranda was just being nice when she’d offered the other day. “We actually don’t have plans. Chuck’s father is taking her to the zoo before he heads back home tomorrow. We’ll be free for dinner.”

“Lovely, how does six sound?”

“Sounds good, we’ll be there.”

Miranda disconnected the call without another word and Andy smiled. Her day had just gotten better.

The next day was a definite improvement. She and Nate were civil and he’d even apologized for his actions before he and Chuck headed off to the zoo. Andy caught up on work and before she knew it, Nate was bringing Chuck back. They changed for dinner just as Cassidy called and told her that Miranda was sending the car for them. Roy showed up twenty minutes before they were due to arrive at the townhouse and when they arrived, dinner was just being served. Andy hadn’t realized just how much she’d missed eating dinner with the Priestlys, but she’d missed hearing about Cassidy’s journalism class and how Caroline’s latest work was coming along. Even Miranda seemed completely relaxed and taken by Chuck as she told everyone all about her trip to the zoo with father.

After dinner, the twins suggested they take Chuck upstairs and watch the latest, “yet to be released” movie. As they left, Miranda suggested that she and Andy retire to the sitting room with a glass of wine. Not ready for the evening to end just yet, Andy quickly agreed.

Andy sat down on the loveseat in sitting room. Miranda followed shortly with a tray. She handed Andy a glass of white wine. She was surprised when Miranda sat next to her, but didn’t question it as she took a sip. It was just as good as the red wine they’d had with dinner and she could feel herself relax even further.

“I take it that yesterday did not go well. When we spoke you seemed upset.” Miranda sat her glass down and slipped her feet out of her shoes, tucking them under her. Andy watched this, feeling as if she shouldn’t be seeing Miranda this way, but she couldn’t look away. It was nice to see Miranda completely relaxed. She looked more beautiful than Andy had ever seen her before and she wanted to brush the stray lock of white from her forehead.

Shaking her head, she took a long drink of wine. “That is the understatement of the year, though I’m sure you don’t want to hear the sordid details.”

“I assure you that I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t interested in hearing what you had to say, Andrea.” Miranda inclined her head, encouraging her to continue.

“Well first the fight started about…”Andy tried to think of a way to put it without saying that Nate hated Miranda and thought she was evil incarnate. Somehow she didn’t think it would go over well. “He just doesn’t like that I’ve introduced Chuck to certain elements.”

“Ah, he has a problem with me then.”

Andy tried to deny it. “No, Miranda he doesn’t even know you!”

Miranda chuckled. “It’s quite all right. He wouldn’t be the first. I take it that he’s the young man you were dating while you were under my employ.”

Andy sat back and looked at her in surprise. “How did you know there was a ‘young man?’”

“There’s a reason I keep my office door open, Andrea.”

Not sure how to take that, but a little intrigued by just what Miranda might have heard all of these years, Andy pressed on. “Yes, it’s him.”

“So, you two ended on bad terms then?”

“I wouldn’t say it was on bad terms exactly. When I came back from…Fashion Week, we tried to make it work, but things just weren’t ever the same. He slept on the couch the whole time. In fact, Chuck was conceived in some lackluster attempt to try to reconnect and within a month he had taken a job in Boston and moved.”

“How did he react to the news?” Miranda asked, studying Andy’s face.

“Well, he wasn’t disappointed, but he wasn’t exactly thrilled either. We were definitely done at that point and he said he’d support whatever decision I made.”

“How noble…”

“No, it was. You’d have to know him,” Andy said with a fond smile. “I knew he’d be a great father, but neither of us were exactly in the right place to have a child. And keeping the baby might have meant I had to move back in with my parents and I certainly didn’t want that. But luckily I got a glowing recommendation from my former employer and that didn’t happened,” she said, batting her eyes at Miranda and earning an eyeroll in return. “I moved in with my friend Lily and she really helped me through the pregnancy.”

“But not the father?”

“He never offered to move back and I never asked him to. I think we both knew that wouldn’t have been the right thing. I certainly wasn’t interested in marrying him, even for the baby’s sake. So, I was relieved when he didn’t just jump to that solution. Don’t get me wrong, he pays child support regularly and he comes to visit as often as he can. He also takes her for most of the summer. The way things work out, it’s like Chuck’s all mine and I prefer that.” And she really did. Nate didn’t try to flex his muscle in the parenting department too often. Yesterday had been a rarity and Andy thought it was mostly motivated by his animosity towards Miranda.

“It certainly does have its good points,” Miranda conceded with another sip of her wine.

“That it does. I think he was worried that I’d go after him for more child support.”

“Aren’t you?”

Andy shook her head. “He pays plenty already. Besides, I’m the one deciding to send Chuck to such an expensive private school and the state says that’s not considered a ‘necessity’ for a child when there is free education available.”

Miranda looked as though she wanted to say something about that, but took a sip of her wine instead. “I suppose that makes sense. I am grateful I haven’t had to deal with such things.”

“Yeah, well the rich do live differently.” Andy joked, draining her glass of wine.

Miranda stood and filled her glass once more. “Yes, we do, but it isn’t without its consequences.”

“Oh, I’m sure. Still it would be nice for once not to have to worry about having enough money.” Andy took a long drink from her glass.

“Well that part is definitely a perk,” Miranda said with a grin.

Andy wanted to ask Miranda about her experiences with the twins’ father, but thought better of it. They were having such a good time; she didn’t want to risk it by making Miranda clam up about personal issues. She kept the conversation light, talking mostly about her pregnancy and learning how to deal with a baby when she’d never been around them before. They talked about her scalding bottles in the middle of the night and how Chuck had refused to eat anything that was the color orange until she was two years old. Miranda seemed genuinely interested, sharing a few horror stories of her own. Andy really enjoyed hearing about how Caroline had had colic, while Cassidy slept through the night with no problems. She’d laughed until tears rolled from her eyes when Miranda told her that Caroline had convinced Cassidy that she could fly if she simply believed she could and how Cassidy hadn’t believed her and suggested they test it out on a neighbor’s cat. She found herself captured by the fond smile Miranda had as she spoke about her girls and how at ease she seemed to be.

“You know, this is nice.” Andy said, sitting back.

“What is?”

“Being here with you, like this.” The words left her mouth before she could stop them. She had intended to say that being able to talk to someone about it was nice. The alcohol had clearly loosened her tongue.

“You need to get out more,” Miranda, said adjusting her legs as she looked away.

“No, I’m serious. I would have never guessed you were anything like this while I still worked for you,” Andy insisted.

“And what am I like exactly?” Miranda asked in an icy tone, but her eyes twinkled with mischief and Andy smiled.

“Kind…attentive…very undragonlike…”Andy said and Miranda chuckled, actually chuckled. Something fluttered in her stomach and Andy felt herself shifting closer. She studied Miranda’s face, almost as if she was seeing it for the first time. The sane part of her mind warned her that she was in danger, that she shouldn’t be so close to Miranda, but she couldn’t seem to help it. Miranda really was quite beautiful. Her eyes were an indescribable shade of blue and if you looked really close she had this faint smattering of freckles along her cheekbones. She had little laugh lines around her eyes and mouth and Andy found herself wondering if Miranda laughed often. Something told her that she didn’t, but Andy wanted to change that.

“I don’t know if that’s quite true,” Miranda said softly, her eyes meeting Andy’s.

Andy swallowed. “It is…if more people saw you like this, they’d…” Her brain felt fuzzy, a result of really good wine she was sure, but Miranda’s perfume wasn’t helping at all and she wasn’t sure, but she thought she’d somehow moved even closer to the editor. Her eyes zeroed in on thin, pink lips that looked soft and before she was aware of what she was doing, she reached up and brushed the lock of hair from Miranda’s forehead, her fingers tingled and lingered on soft skin there. Something flickered in Miranda’s gaze and her breath caught.

The first brush of soft lips against her own was a shock. She wasn’t sure which of them had moved, but she didn’t care. She moved, pressing her lips firmly against Miranda’s.

“Mummy, look what I drew!” Chuck ran into the room. Andy jumped back as if she’d been burned and stood up. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah…uh yeah…”Andy’s head swam and she couldn’t bring herself to look over at Miranda. “Sweetie, it’s close to bedtime. So, we should get going. Go clean up and say goodnight to the girls.”

“Awww…do we have to leave now?” Chuck pouted.

“Yes, we do. I expect you to meet me at the door in two minutes. Hurry up.”

Chuck’s shoulders sagged as she walked out of the room. Taking a deep breath, Andy forced herself to turn and look at Miranda. The editor’s expression was unreadable and she didn’t know what to make of that. “Look Miranda, I’m really sorry. I…we…the wine…and I’m just sorry.” And with that she walked out of the room.

Chuck met her soon after and she left as fast as she could. She walked quickly to the subway, not bothering to stop until they were safely on the train. She pulled Chuck onto her lap and buried her face into the girl’s back. She wasn’t sure what the fuck had just happened, but it wasn’t a good thing at all.

miranda/andy, no matter the miles, devil wears prada, dwp, fanfiction

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