Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Tyrone

Nov 24, 2003 11:37

It's kinda been getting me down that whenever I show up in the mornings he never wants to go out into the hall to work with me. But today I realized that every single day I've worked with him he's started our hour in a bad mood and gone back into class in a good mood. That can't be bad. And his reading really is getting better - he flew through the book we were working on today and is getting better at S-H sounds.

Another gratifying moment came when I was packing up to leave and Chris Parker (a cousin of Tyrone's and frankly a bit of a pill) pulled me aside for a second. I knew him from last year and a week or two ago I worked with him and Tyrone together, which was a catastrophe because they're so squirrelly and such good friends that they just can't get any work done together. Anyhow, he pulled me aside and asked if he could come out and read with me again sometime! I told him I'd be glad to but that we'd need to talk to the teacher.

So I'm happy, and now I'm going to have Indian food, so I'm even happier.

pics, tyrone, t.i. school
