It was a good Halloween, though I was (am) sick and really should not have exerted myself so much getting ready for trick-or-treaters. But it went well. To go with my costume - Professor Membrane from Invader Zim - I did the front of the house in a mad science theme: brain in a pan, Van de Graff generator, Jacob's ladder, head in a jar, fog machine. It got some great reactions:
"Oh, look! There's, like, electricity coming off of it!" (refering to the Jacob's ladder)
"I'm not gonna touch it - you touch it!" (refering to both the brain and the Van de Graff generator)
"Do it make your hair stand up?" My constant answer to questions about the Van de Graff generator was, "Touch it and feel the POWER OF SCIENCE!" And when they'd get a shock, "SCIENCE!!!" with both fists clenched, because science is that cool.
A LOT of kids recognized me - I'd say about half the groups that came to the door had at least one person say, "Hey, you're that guy from school!" or something similar. One, who was in the class I helped out in last year, said, "Is that the same brain we
had in class last year?"
The best quote of the evening came from one boy who said when I answered the door, "I'm a cow! Aren't I a good cow? Moo. Moo. Yippee!!!" as he went bounding away to the next house. H: "I didn't know cows went 'yippee'."
On to the photos - all pics link to the complete gallery.
me as Membrane (
compare to this)
The lab coat was made entirely by
auto_de_fe pulling her hair out, and I thank her greatly for it.
Heather's pumpkin
my pumpkin
the Jacob's ladder, safely out of reach, but viewable from across the court.