Progress [Week One]

May 15, 2008 10:58

Day 32 (Wednesday)
Lia awakens in an unfamiliar room.
Second shift: (Sun Room) Much to her surprise, Lia encounters Daemon Sadi. The revelations he offers are shocking at best.
Lunch: (Cafeteria) Meeting Lucivar. Lia is disturbed to find out that from a certain perspective, she is long dead.
Fourth Shift: (Music Room) Lia meets Rangiku, learns a little about the shinigami, and gets some good advice.
Dinner: (Room F34) Lia meets her roommate. Nothing to worry about here, right?
Nightshift 32
F31 - F40 Hallway: Lia sets out into the unnerving dark of the Institute at night. She does not know what these "flashlights" are.
Several hallways pass, uneventful if still unnerving.
Main Hallway 1-West: Lia runs into Tyki, almost literally, and not knowing enough of the location to do aught else productive, joins him on his explorations.
Stairs by Waiting Room/Lobby 1: In search of cigarettes. Cue one confused Queen.
Main Hallway 2-West: They avoid a fight between what is assumed to be other patients and one of the Institute's natives.
West Wing, Hall 2-A: And are now thoroughly lost. Investing in a map might be a good idea in the future. Especially one that points out locked doors.
Staff-Only Outdoor Patio: Not spoiled for choices, they find themselves on an outdoor patio. Fresh air is a blessing in Lia's opinion, but also means exposure.
Staff-Only Food Counter: This only serves to further baffle Lia. Why does it look like there is a shop in a hospital?
2nd Floor Kitchen: Here there be monsters.
Lia asks about going outside.

Day 33 (Thursday)
Breakfast: (Cafeteria) Lia meets Armand, and is reminded once more how very far from home she is.
Second Shift: (Greenhouse) A very brief conversation with River.
Lunch: (Cafeteria) Lia and Angel theorize. And dodge giving much in the way of personal information.
Fourth Shift: (Sun Room) Lia meets Mousse, and gets a little bit more information about specific monsters.
Dinner: (Room F34)
F31 - F40 Hallway: Lia sets out for another night of exploration, this time with a flashlight in hand.
F-A Block Hallway: The witch who is not quite a telepath is baffled by the telepath who is not a quite a witch. It is mutual.
West Wing, South Hall 1-B to West Wing, North Hall 1-B
Soccer/Recreational Field: Attempts to get over the wall are painfully stymied by a pair of monsters.

Self defence lessons?

Day 34 (Friday)
Breakfast: (Cafeteria) Lia and Haseo meet and talk hospitals.
Second Shift: (Courtyard)
Lunch: (Cafeteria)
Dinner: (F34) Another dinnertime conversation with Elle. Lia is a little more forthcoming about her powers this time.
F31-40 Hallway: Lia sets out for the night, a little better prepared than last time.
F-A Block Hallway: She meets up with Melissa, and they decide upon strategy for the night.
They make their way without incident through: Est Wing, South Hall 1-B, Main Hallway 1-West, Stairwell, Main Hallway 2-West, West Wing, Hall 2A, Staff-Only Outdoor Patio Lounging/Eating Area.
In the Staff-Only Food Counter they notice two other patients, but pass them by without engaging.
Upstairs Staff-Only Kitchen: They search the kitchen for knives, only to be confronted by the pair they'd bypassed earlier. The discussion miraculously does not devolve into violence.
Staff-Only Food Counter: They do not linger long on the way out.
Staff-Only Outdoor Patio Lounging/Eating Area: The knife-finding operation was only half successful. Solution? Improvise.
West Wing, Hall 2-A: With no clear objective now in mind, they decide to try the next locked door. Surely it will hold something interesting.
Staff Research/Medical Reference Library: Or not. At least, not anything they can make use of. Lia doesn't even know what a computer is.
West Wing, Hall 2-A: A spot of deja vu.
Main Hallway 2-West: They make it back out to the main hall, but get no further before daybreak.

Day 35 (Saturday)
Magus Park: Upon disembarking from the bus, Lia encounters a not-so-familiar face.
Germaine Street: Lia and Tyki go hunting for something of interest.
Main Street: Main Street seems the ticket. At this point, they part ways.
Dinner: (F34) Brawling. How undignified.
F34: The restoration of powers makes the end of the brawl very abrupt.

Day 36 (Sunday)
First Shift: (Sun Room) Lia and Tyki speak of artistic endeavors and lighters.
Brunch: (Cafeteria) A meeting of the Blood.
Fourth Shift: (Sun Room)
Dinner: (F34)

ooc reference

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