Day 32: Intercom, Evening

May 28, 2008 04:42

The intercom clicked on and the Head Doctor spoke with his usual fervor.

"Good evening, patients and staff! I am pleased to announce that the arrival of nearly all of our new patients will conclude this shift. In addition, we have a very delicious dinner in store for you: carved Turkey with a side of mashed potatoes and steamed, seasoned vegetables. For drinks, we have our usual assortment available, and as a dessert included with your dinner, we will be serving a slice of warm apple pie with each meal.

"I trust that those of you enjoying the company of new roommates will give them a warm Landel's welcome, and I also hope that those of you who participated in therapy today were able to find a productive time with their doctors.

"That's all for now! Enjoy dinner, everyone!"

The intercom clicked off again.

[ Please respond to this post with all dinner shift threads between roommate, putting your character's respective room in the subject line. While we have none scheduled for this shift at this time: all introduction posts for this shift's group of new characters should be made in response to this post; the introduction may then continue on to be a regular roommate thread. ]

diva, zelos, qui-gon jinn, axel, intercom, xigbar, anise, rude, nia, melissa, winry, wolfram, naminé, seiya, asch, clark kent, angel, zelnick, peter parker, luxord, kurogane, xellos, usopp, ken, peter petrelli, yohji, fox, sync, zoro, farfarello, shawn, yukari, wolverine, shion, kratos, alec, kittan, lia, willow, haseo, renji, rubedo, rhode, shito, dairine, bella, nami, adelheid, kaito, elle, fayt, sora, ashton, renamon, oriya, hokuto, mark, edgeworth, itachi, mion, harry osborn, roland, sousuke, peony, brook, chopper, ren, sakura, kenren, argilla, guy, kairi, reid, vlad, allelujah, frey, fai, leon magnus, yue, aidou, edward cullen, kaoru, eddie brock, rangiku, hisoka, subaru, sanzo

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