Walking Dead Fic Thoughts

Mar 06, 2012 17:19

I was incredibly bored in class today while my professor droned on and on about something unimportant and dull. So I did what any sane and awesome person would do: I thought about The Walking Dead and the fics I'm working on, which led to me thinking about fanfiction in this fandom in general, what I want to see, and what I think could make for ( Read more... )

thinky thoughts, the walking dead, fanfiction

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Comments 31

sasha_b March 6 2012, 22:44:41 UTC
I'd like my characters to be recognizable. That being said, maybe I'd read the boyband thing if there was a zombie apocalypse in it, but probably not. Show me the characters on Hershel's farm in a future where things have changed, alliances have shifted, shit has gone down, and then fill in the blanks. Or take me far away from there to anywhere you want to go. Kill characters if you want, make unexpected people get together. Convince me of your universe and make it awesome. That's what I want to see.THIS A THOUSAND TIMES. There is something about the characters that inhabit a certain universe that makes it attractive. Why would someone take them away from that universe - that's basically just writing original fic with characters with the same names. And there is NOTHING wrong with that. Do your own thing! I write a lot in X-men too, and I just can't do fix it fic for Charles and Erik or "non-divorce" fic or put them in a boy band or whatever because what makes them the men I love is partly where and what they inhabit. I don't ( ... )


gravi_girl123 March 6 2012, 22:57:48 UTC
Creeper alert: I have your fb page open on another tab and I'm reading some of your stuff right now! So happy to talk to another Rick/Shane shipper. They totally have eaten my brain. And I definitely dig the shorter fics too, they can capture so much, but I am craving some epics. I think the Supernatural and Buffy fandoms have spoiled me a little.

I NEED to see X-men First Class because I hear the Charles/Erik is great. I used to read Pyro/Ice-man after X-2 came out so so good.

And yesss, it IS just original fiction with the characters' names a lot of the time. I'm sure there are exceptions to the rule, but I wouldn't be tempted to click on a fic like that without it being recced to me by very reliable sources.

AU in The Walking Dead universe is wonderful in my book because the whole show is an AU! I can get behind it because Kirkman himself wrote an AU of his world haha.


sasha_b March 6 2012, 23:02:27 UTC
LOL I hope you like it. ;) I have some other ideas going too, so we'll see. It's been a minute since I wrote epic pieces, so I'm not sure here, but...who knows. :)

FC rules. I am a LONG time X-Men reader and they just nailed it right on the head. And McAvoy and gorgeous wonderful Fassy have such great chemistry and they are such consummate actors the whole movie is just brill. I love it.

Ahaha you're right, it is an AU of Kirkman's world. I love the comics too, but I consider them different, like I do True Blood and the books.

I started out in Buffy fandom, so I feel you. I did mostly long stuff in King Arthur, and I really enjoyed it too.


kaitlia777 March 7 2012, 01:18:17 UTC
Just chiming in here to second the recommendation for XMFC. The movie was awesome and the Charles/Erik fandom is the best!

Plus, Fassbender...yum.

... )


almadeamla March 6 2012, 22:55:01 UTC
Oh god I love all of this post.

The Supernatural thing was interesting. Depending on what circles you hung out in, the feel of the fics really differed. For example, a lot of Wincest tended to be centered in seasons 1-3 when the show was more claustrophobic, as far as family dynamics were concerned. The boys still had the whole wide world to be a part of, but their social sphere was pretty limited. Whereas in more recent fic(though, I haven't read any SPN fic since uh, last year at the earliest) the setting itself is static while Dean and Sam branch out and interact with angels/hunters/demons/etc.

One of the reasons I like TWD is because there's so little to work with, in a way. It has a minimalistic quality to it, in terms of narrative. You have a restrictive universe with tons of possibilities. There are gonna be zombies, there is an apocalypse, but then everything else is up to you. And that's fabulous. You can kill people and not kill people and focus on gore or survival or love epics and all of it worksSo for example, your ( ... )


gravi_girl123 March 6 2012, 23:03:55 UTC
I hadn't even thought of the Supernatural thing that way, you're right, in terms of relationships it was just Sam and Dean in the world, Wincest or no Wincest, but later their world expanded to include more people in it. I was thinking along the lines that pre-apocalypse-that-wasn't they were just like, 'Hey, this obituary from a small town in Wisconsin is suspicious! Lets investigate without worrying about Lucifer and Michael trying to use our bodies!" Oh, SPN ( ... )


almadeamla March 7 2012, 00:37:26 UTC
Oh you mean the case fics? I loved the case fics. Especially the gen ones. art_savage was amazing for things like that. Oh the nostalgia.


Or a Shane/Andrea/Glenn runaway fic. 'Cause this fandom is so short on OT3s. I'd take a Shane/TDog runaway fic too. Or Shane/Maggie. Shane/anyone, really. Except maybe Dale and Hershel, but I could be convinced. If someone were to attempt it, I mean. I would definitely click.


oohasparklie March 7 2012, 06:00:06 UTC
Oh, my God, there is another Shane fan in the world! *cling*


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gravi_girl123 March 8 2012, 22:17:44 UTC
Oh yeah, I can definitely understand being jaded since you were in the Dawn of the Dead fandom! For me, this is my first foray into a fandom where a zombie apocalypse is actually canon and not just a trope (which, don't get me wrong, I'm a sucker for those.)

Oh, Morgan, love love love. I haven't seen much fanfiction done for the comics, but if he was in the show (or if he ends up there down the road) maybe then we'll get some great Morgan fic!


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gravi_girl123 March 8 2012, 23:33:08 UTC
Sorry, duh moment, I meant if he came back again later and was in it for more than an episode. I'm not sure where that is in the comics, so I don't want to spoil anything in regards to Morgan!


oohasparklie March 6 2012, 23:22:44 UTC
I really just want het Shane fic. I don't care if he's with Lori or Andrea or anyone else, I just want it.

I thought about writing a Lori/Shane fic in which he makes it to the prison and she's basically still in love with him and they sneak off at night when everyone else is asleep. That's the only real plot bunny I've had, but I tend to write for about 5 minutes and then get bored and quit.


gravi_girl123 March 8 2012, 22:18:52 UTC
If I had a dime for every time I had a plot bunny, started writing, and quit I'd be rich by now, so I feel ya. I would have killed for that fic earlier on in the series when I was still a big Lori fan. Then again, if you, or anyone, could make me like her again, I'd be all for the story!


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gravi_girl123 March 8 2012, 22:22:16 UTC
I truly, truly pray that there is not a fic with that description out there. Though, knowing how bad some fanfiction is out there, I wouldn't be surprised if there was =(

I've always wanted to watch Jericho, it's on my to-watch list, but Battlestar is one of my favorites! Bleak can be so great, but I totally agree about needing some sort of hope/heroism. That's what really makes me click with a show. Basically, I second that whole paragraph.

Also ditto to needing a strong premise. And: " I also like some humor. Because it would exist, even in the midst of the worst things. People's interactions are messy and funny, and they ways they deal and don't deal are funny." YES it can't be all angst all the time, life just isn't like that even when it is really fucking hard.


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