so i dont post very often, the major reason for that in my mind is im not a writer im very creative i jsut suck at writing i have jsut recently been tapping my creative nature in large amounts this week i went about to build some of the things i keep meaning to buid and have them jsut up in my head now these things are not new ive been building them in my head for this whole year. for the last couple of years ive been going to on a camping trip of sorts the trip is with an organization called the sca now i dont fit in most places im jsut that weird but for some reason i enjoy going to the events now i have avioded going to events in the local area but the main reason for that is my ex is highly involved in the local sca shire. but i think ive found my place amongst the masses of the sca. that place is withthe artisans there are no real guilds for the things i like but over multiple places i have found interesting stuff as i said im currently in a build mode. wait a min im alwasys in a build mode i love the feeling of accomplishing something. i see office workers who produce NOTHING all day they jsut push paper and make phone calls one ex friend (her choice ) of mine all she does is files and removes staples all day . IO WOULD GO OUT OF MY MIND my god ( if i followed one ) how can the human mind do that,. so this is a short list of the things im currently building
shower -- now i know everyone has one ( if you dont thats why no one is next to you ) at the preivious years of war i have had to get into a shower that was floppy would b the best discription the shower base would rock and the poles that healed the cloth walls would move arround as you showerd and the frame would not even hold the weright of the average persons shower stuff ( IE soap shampoos towerl etc)
so i had a few ideas the first was i wanted it solid so it didnt rock back and forth as you were getting clean. i wanted a base that had nicely finnished boards so that even though you were out side it would feel like home so i got some trex deck material trex is a composite made of recycled wood fiber and plastic it wont mildew or rot . that is part of the base the next is a pan that collects the water and runs it away from the shower area using a hose attached. the next is important also i wanted a bench or stool now not important for some but ive broken allot of bones and in the last few years ive taken to bathing in the japaneese style sitting on a stool and washing then getting in a tub and soaking its very emotonaly stabilizing. so you see a stool or in this case a bench is important . next i wanted it to be larger well there are multiple reasons for that one is its nice to be able to stand under the warm water and stretch out . the other reason is well more to the thing is istn it nice to have company over and i think thats a very important thing other wise how do you get that one spot you jsut cant reach. wo the shower size has been greatly increased from 24 X24 to 48 X48 thats 4 foot by 4 foot for those math defficient.
cooking area-- well that for me is a real important thing as i am a daibetic and the first time i went to war turned out to go very badly i went low suggar and i generaly was in a bad way most of the trip and 2 weeks on sandwiches and packs of crackers just didnt cut it . so last year i bult myself a small kitchen asn man did it ever make a difference. i was full and things jsut went smother when im fed right now i saw now much nicer jsut that one thing did and i was hooked. so this year im pulling out the stops last year i had jsut 3 coolers a chuck box and a 2 burner stove. this year ive ripped out a full hieght refirgerator out of an RV and i will ahve a refigerator runjning on propaine. as for cooking surfaces i still have the 2 burner stove but now i have mounted it semi permenently in a stainless counter top and mounted it to a wood case that also holds the refigerator and propaine tanks i havent built it yet but this year i will also have a dish washing station made form a stainless steel sink ( 2 basin ) but i havent worked that all out yet the next big thing i have made is i built an oven i took burnuer units from a grill and ahve mounted them inside a 30 gallon drum ive cut a hole in it so that it has a door and put a hinge on it so breads and meats can be put inside. im currently looking for a thermometer that can be mounted to a hot surface and check the air temp inside the oven the problem ive found is the digital ones will melt and or their wires will that lead to the sensor. so ill work on that for a while. i have as of today built a rack that holds it at about 35 inches off the gorund about the same as a kitchen counter. i shold mention that all the things im building have 2 basic things in common they all have to fit into the vardo i built last year of be aber to be carried in nothing bigger than a vw ( since thats all i drive ) ( last year was a vw convertible )
cart - now this may seem easy but i wanted a cart that was light weight folded into a small space and was cheap to build now the reason i need one is that you have to go get any ice firewood and supplies from a pretty major distance. well the cart design is form one i saw last year its a single axle maed entirely out of sheet ply wood adn would be capable of houling a prerson if it had to. well i stumbled accross an axle from the front of a parts puller bicycle that had a large basket on it at one time a long time ago. i scetched out a small cart kind of mid evil and i cut the wood out now when assembled it will haoul arround 400lbs and have rubber tires when broken down it will fit in the average trunk of a sedan but it will be a stack of wood about 3 1/2 inches by 4 foot by 3 foot plus the wheels but nothing i can do about that. so now i can bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan
the vardo- now i didnt meantion this before but last year i started building a vardo ( gypsy wagon ) now it was great last year but it wasnt finnished i didnt do andy trim or creature comrforts this year ive expanded the bed from twin to full and this year ive added cabinets i hope to have a sitting area in it before war but i dont know the other mods im doing are things like trim and better doors the doors i used last year were home doors for a closet they were cheap and did well in the short term. so this year i want frosted glass pannels and solid doors for the lower half . the next thing has changed drasticlay in the last week. i originaly wanted carved moldings on the edges but after trying to fit one it broke so im going with oak trim that will be rough cut and painted to go withthe style or the vardo the next thing i have modifyed is the tounge of the vardo( trailer) is now removeable so i can have easier time getting in and out of the vardo ive also made a step. the nest is a extra support sysltem for the removable fabric i haver put a liner of finnished material inside ( cotton with a pattern ) adn for the support ive added 2 more bows of old fiberglass tent poles i set the vardo up a few weeks ago now and have ahd a few storms and its doing well ( very well) so thats going well. one modification also bieng made is the length of the toung and that im puting a holder for th erefigerator console built into the tounge of the trailer
the tent - well that didnt exsist last year and it has gone though major changes at first it was jsut a canopy to put the kitchen under
now it has become a mini inner vagoabond ( a local pensic resturant ) well i wanted someplace warm and dry to hide and then i saw a website that had a tent rental and i was hooked heres their site this is the one well i started calling it the bad tent after a conversation last year at war that the ladies were upset that there werent enought men so thy wanted to start a tent and stock it with availible men. and call it the BAD TENT taken from a mesage bord thread title. well that has now beconme the as you like it tent quilibet tentorium (quis umquam vos amo tentorium) it was a name the girl im dating and i came up with on one of our long phone calls so thats the new name and i am going with it .
so im going to post more later right now im tired of typing so im quitting you will have to check back to see waht crazy things im typing next
ps heres a link to the parts im building and sca stuff/