Want To Hear Your Voice Out Loud

Nov 24, 2005 19:49

Five years ago, 2000
5 years ago...
How old were you? 11
What grade were you in? grade 6
Where did you go to school? St. Thomas More
Where did you work? lol i was in grade 6
Where did you live? 945 Bottany Hill Rd.
Where did you hang out? in my TV room
How was your hair style? short and very blonde
Did you wear braces? no
Did you wear glasses? no
Who was your best friend? Rob Kiddie
Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend? girls had cooties then
Who was your celebrity crush? wouldn't know what the word meant
Who was your regular-person crush? COOTIES!
Were you a virgin? off coarse not...i got knocked up every saturday
How many piercings did you have? none
How many tattoos did you have? none
What was your favorite band? Blink 182
What was your biggest fear? bugs!!!
Had you smoked a cigarette yet? no
Had you gotten drunk or high yet? no
Had you driven yet? no
How old are you? 16
Whats your educational status? grade 11
Where do you go to school? F.J. Brennan
Where do you work? well i deliver newspapers right now
Where do u live? i'd rather keep that to myself
Where do you hang out? my house or my friends houses
How is your hair style? long and black
Do you wear braces? not anymore
Do you wear glasses? no
Who is your best friend? Seanny D.
Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend: don't have one
Who is your celebrity crush: Zui Suicide
Who is your real life crush: don't have one
How many piercings do you have? 0
How many tattoos do you have? none ):
What is your favorite band? THE USED <3 (heartcore)
What is your biggest fear? bugs!!!
Have you smoked a cigarette?: no
Have u been drunk/high?: drunk
Are You a virgin: yup

Name on your birth certificate: Jordan Wigle Janisse
Date of birth: November 16, 1989
Place of birth: A hospital
Parents names: Mike and Vickie
Parents ages: Mike - 49 Vickie - 47
Any older siblings?: no

_15 Years Ago_

How old were you? 1
How old were your siblings? 0
Which did you get along with best? i don't have any
Which parent did you prefer? either at that point
Did you have any pets? no
If so, names and types?
If you were in school, who was your teacher? I wasn't
How were your grades? wouldn't know
Who was your best friend? the TV
Where did you live? My house
What kind of music were you listening to? a little Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Favourite toys? my Teddy
Favourite movie? Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
What's your most prevalent good memory? crawling up my stars
Bad memory?: the christmas tree

_10 Years Ago_

How old were you? 6
Which sibling did you get along with best?
Which parent did you prefer? mom
Did you have any pets? no
Who was your teacher? did i go to school?
How were your grades?
Who was your best friend? Katie
Where did you live? My house
What kind of music were you listening to? the Power Rangers theme song
Favourite toys? Teddy
Favourite movie? Pocantis (i can't spell it)
What's your most prevalent memory? North Carolina, watching Pocantis

_5 Years Ago_

How old were you? 11
Which sibling did you get along with best?
Which parent did you prefer? mom
Did you have any pets? my cat Rosie
Who was your teacher? Mr. Leise
How were your grades? good
Who was your best friend? Rob Kiddie
Where did you live? still my house in Toronto
What sort of music were you listening to? anything really
Favourite movie? The Matrix
Were you drinking, doing drugs, smoking? no
Most prevalent emotion? having fun
What's your most prevalent memory? acting goofy at the back of the class

_4 Years Ago_

How old were you? 13
Did you have any pets? yup i still had Rosie
Who was your teacher? Mr. Trembley
How were your grades? excellent
Who was your best friend? Adrian Hutchison
Where did you live? My house (now in Windsor)
What sort of music were you listening to? still anything
Favourite movie? Ace Ventura Pet Detective
Where you drinking, doing drugs, smoking? no
Most prevalent emotion? hating bullies
What your most prevalent memory? skateboarding to Mac's with Adrian


Did you have preschool? yes
One year or two? one
Did you enjoy it? yes
Could you spell your name by then? probably not
Could you buckle your cordoroy overalls? nope lol
Were you an emo crybaby? yeah
Did you have show and tell? yup
What did you bring? my action figures


Did you hate the schoolbus? i screamed the first time i was put on one
Did you ever scream and cry and grab for your mom? first thing i did lol
Did you have a kids tv show themed backpack? Batman
Were you afraid of the bathroom? no
Do you remember the field trips? Yes
Do you remember ANYTHING about kindergarten? going to pumpkin patches to pick pumpkins

_1st Grade_

Did you memorize all those stupid clapping songs? no
Are you still chummy with your friends from first grade? i wish
What kind of people did they turn out to be? probably gangsta's lol
What was your playground ritual? run around and scream
Moment of glory? eating glue
Ever pee yourself? nope
Were you an early bloomer or a late bloomer? in what way?

_2nd Grade_

Love or loathe story time? love <3
Did you sneak some of your snack out of your desk before snacktime? i didn't eat snacks
Who were your best friends? Rob and Jacklyn
Girl/Boy Scouts? your too young for scouts at that age

_3rd Grade_

Was third grade a short year to you? no
Did you feel like a big shot finally being in elementary school? no
Ever pick on anybody? nope
Were you picked on? i don't think so
Were you a bookworm or an anti-reader? bookworm

_4th Grade_

What was the worst trouble you got into in 4th grade? i was actually a teachers pet lol
Best friends..same or different? same
Were the field trips satisfactory? i loved them
How was your first encounter with the nurse about puberty? i didn't hit puberty till grade 8/9
Did boys still suck? gross

_5th Grade_

Did you pick on the younger kids? no
What was your style? super hero t-shirts
What was your favorite color? blue
Is your haircolor the same as it was in fifth grade? no
Who was your favorite musican? didn't have one
Were you good with book reports? i didn't have book reports in grade 5
What did you do at recess? played alot of tag
Were you liked/popular? i like to think so
Were you a rebel or a conformist? neither really

_6th Grade_

Was being at the bottom of the food chain again totally nerve racking? no
How were those awkward preteen years? fine actually
Were you ever picked on? like you wouldn't believe
What did you care about most? TV

_7th Grade_

How were your grades in the 7th, better or worse? better
Did anything change for you in 7th? well i moved to Windsor for one
Pick up any activities? no
Pick on the 6th graders? no
Befriend the 8th graders? no

_8th Grade_

Top of the food chain once again! horrible
Did you hang out with the older kids? no, they beat me up though
How were your grades? amazing
Were you a popular kid? i was the new kid
Did you enjoy 8th grade? i would cut that year from my life if i could

_9th Grade_

Were you afraid of upperclassmen? yes
Were you friends with any older kids? no
Were you stylin? no
Did you think you knew it all? no
Did your parents suck? no
Do they still? no

_10th Grade_

How were those finals? good
Did you get your permit? for what?
Did you crash at all? what?
Did you drive kids when you weren't supposed to? drive?
Did you go to the junior prom? no

_11th Grade_

Did you plan on going to college? i guess i do?
Love life? i had one at the beginning, but not anymore
Get in any fights? not unless one day i feel like getting beat to shit

_12th Grade_

Did senior year rock? ...
Any regrets? ...
What are you doing with your life right now (no matter what grade)...
Rate your educational career: ...

_3 Years Ago_

How old were you? 13
Did you have any pets? no
Who was your best friend? Adrian
Where did you live? My house
What kind of music were you listening to? anything
Favourite movie? The Lord Of The Rings
Were you drinking, doing drugs, smoking? no
Most prevalent emotion? being bored
Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no
What's your most prevalent memory? doing homework

_2 Years Ago_
How old were you? 14
Did you have any pets? no
Who was your best friend? Adrian
Where did you live? My house
What kind of music were you listening to? Blink 182 and Sum 41
Favourite movie? The Lord Of The Rings
Were you drinking, doing drugs, smoking? no
Most prevalent emotion? excited
What's your most prevalent memory? seeing scary kids for the first time lol

_1 Year Ago_
How old were you? 15
Did you have any pets? no
Who was your best friend? Amy
Where did you live? My house
What kind of music were you listening to? Billy Talent all the way!
Favourite movie? SAW
Were you drinking, doing drugs, smoking? i was drinking
Most prevalent emotion? love
Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yup
If so, a bit about them : the "out of my league girl" that was actually going out with me lol
What's your most prevalent memory? feeling older

How old are you? 16
Do you have any pets? no
Who is your best friend? Seanny D.
Where do you live? STILL IN MY FUCKING HOUSE!!!!
What kind of music do you listen to? The Used, Billy Talent, Taking Back Sunday, MCR, The Postal Service
Do you drink? Yes
Smoke? no
Do drugs? no
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no
If so, a bit about them :
Your favourite memory from the past year: my birthday
Any excitng plans for the future? my band getting big
What do you think you're going to do after this? continue with writting this new christmas song
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