Bend And Break

Nov 23, 2005 23:03


:001:Name:!: Jordan
:002:Age:!: 16.
:003:Birthday:!: November 16
:004:Location:!: My Computer Room
:005:Religon:!: i'm not sure right now


:006:Date:!: November 23
:007:Time:!: 11:02 pm
:008:What clothes are you wearing:!: pajamas, fuzzy slippers and a house coat
:009:What jewelry are you wearing:!: none


:010:Hair color:!: black
:011:Hair length:!: pretty damn long lol
:012:Eye Color:!: greyish blue
:013:Height:!: 5'9
:014:Shoe Size:!: 10 1/2
:015:Do you wear glasses:!: no
:016:What about contacts:!: nope


:017:Do you have a crush:!: no
:018:Single or taken:!: single
:019:Have you ever said I love you to someone and meant it:!: yes
:020:Have you ever thought you were in love:!: i know i was
:021:How long is the longest relationship you have ever been in: around a year and a half
:022:Has a member of the opposite sex ever made you cry:!: yes
:023:Ever had a dream about a crush:!: yup
:024:Ever liked a close guy/girlfriend:!: liked in what way?
:025:Are you lonely right now:!: on and off
:026:Ever afraid you'll never get married:!: hell no
:027:Do you want to get married:!: no
:028:Do you want kids:!: i don't know?
:029:Been Hurt by someone you loved:!: yes


:030:How many friends do you have:!: i'm not sure
:031:How many friends are guys:!: maybe 7
:032:How many friends are girlies:!: i don't really know
:033:Funniest:!: Sean (my cousin) and Sean Davidson
:034:Perkiest:!: Jen
:035:Most organized:!: my cousin Sean
:036:Least organized!: Seanny D.
:037:Most likely to become a model:!: i can see Amy being a Suicide Girl
:038:Prettiest:!: (undisclosed)
:039:Who has the same taste in music as you:!: my cousin
:040:Likes country:!: well me, Seanny D. and Amy really dig The White Stripes (which are sometimes country)
:041:Likes Rock:!: all of them
:042:Likes Rap:!: lol Sean loves "My Humps"
:043:Who do you have the deepest converstations with:!: Sean and Amy
:044:Who do you fight with the most:!: (undisclosed)
:045:The one you are closest to:!: Sean
:046:The one who is the furthest away:!: my cousin ):
:047:The one you feel like doesn't get you:!: (undisclosed)


:048:Flower:!: Tulipe
:049:Quote from a movie:!: "You Are Home" Almost Famous
:050:Room in house:!: my room
:051:Type of music:!: Emo Scream-o
:052:Day of the week:!: friday
:053:Color:!: brown
:054:Month:!: October
:055:Season:!: fall
:056:Thing to do:!: band practice (:


:057:Would you rather love or be loved?:!: be loved
:058:Love or Lust:!: Love
:059:Cat or Dog:!: cat
:060:Coke or Pepsi:!: Pepsi
:061:Thanksgiving or Christmas:!: Christmas
:062:Pools Or Hot Tubs:!: HOT TUBS YO!!!!!
:063:Television Or Radio:!: television
:064:CDs Or MP3's:!: CD's
:065:Vanilla or chocolate:!: vanilla
:066:Movies or music:!: that's tuff...i don't really know
:067:Sunset or Sunrise:!: sunset

:068:Where do you want to live:!: New York
:069:How Many Kids You Want:!: if i was to have any...just one probably
:070:Pets:!: a light brown kitten, and a husky
:071:Car:!: a Smart Car (:
:072:5 years from now:!: on tour hopefully :D


:073:Done Drugs:!: no
:074:Run Away From Home:!: yes
:075:Lied:!: yes
:076:Stolen Anything:!: no
:077:Broken A Bone:!: yes
:078:Cheated On A Test:!: no
:079:Cheated On A Girlfriend/Boyfriend:!: no
:080:Been In The Hospital:!: yes
:081:Fell asleep in the shower/bath:!: yes (very scary)
:082:Never slept during a night:!: no
:083:Sat in a restaurant without ordering:!: yes
:084:Seen someone die:!: yes (i watched my great grandma pass away)
:085:Streaked the streets:!: not yet muhahahahaha
:086:Screamed at someone for no reason:!: yeah
:087:Stayed up till 4 am on the phone:!: yup
:088:Pulled a prank:!: i think so?
:089:Made fun of someone:!: who hasn't?
:090:Cried yourself to sleep:!: yes
:091:Found yourself crying and not quite sure why:!: yeah


:092:Took a shower:!: about an hour ago
:093:Cried:!: last saturday
:094:Given/gotten a hug:!: got a hug from Trish saying goodbye
:095:Been to the movies:!: SAW 2 i think...which was a while ago ):
:096:Had a boy/girlfriend:!: Amy was my last girlfriend...i think we broke up a month ago...someone told me longer though?
:097:Kissed someone:!: last time i was kissed was the day before me and Amy broke up
:098:Said I love you:!: lol yet again...about a month ago
:099:Danced:!: today on the bus ride home

:100:How was it?:!: how was what?

8 Firsts...
First Best Friend: Rob Kiddie
First Kiss: kinda lip kiss (Alisa) my messed up first really kiss lol (Amy)
First Screen Name: ohh god...ummm..."Jordan Janisse"
First Pet: my cat Rosie ):
First Piercing: i've never had one
First Crush: (sorry Amy i know i'm saying your name alot lol) Amy
First Music: Red Hot Chili Peppers and Blink 182 (mind you i had no idea who they were)
First Car: i wish

7 Lasts...
Last Cigarette: no thanks
Last alchoholic beverage: must have been a long time ago
Last Car Ride: hading out resumes
Last Kiss: jesus lol...about a month ago!
Last Movie Seen: i was already asked this too!!! SAW 2!!!
Last Phone Call: i tried calling Sean
Last CD Played: Keane - Hopes And Fears

6 Have You Evers....
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: yup
Have You Ever Broken the Law: yes
Have You Ever Been Arrested: no
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: yes
Have You Ever Been on TV: yeah actually...i was in the news once for a can drive at school

5 Things....
5 Things You're Wearing: slippers, pajama pants, t-shirt, house coat...i don't have any number five on
5 Things You've Done Today: homework, hand out resumes, walked to the beach, listened to music, watched South Park
5 Things You Can't Live Without: Movies, Music, Food, Friends, My Band
5 Places You've Been: Florida, North Carolina, Cedar Point, Niagra Falls, and Grand Bend

4 favorite things In NO Order
1. My Band
2. Movies
3. Music
4. Hot Tubs

3 People You Can Tell *Almost* Anything To
1. Sean
2. Amy
3. my Mom
4. Brennan

2 Choices...
1. Black or White: black
2. Hot or Cold: hot

1 Thing You Want to Do Before you die: make love
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