fucked uo beyond belife !

Oct 16, 2006 07:08

[05:49] ShArPSh00TeR 42: -yawn-
[05:49] TheSADbraT: -BIGGGGGG yawn-
[05:49] ShArPSh00TeR 42: lol
[05:49] TheSADbraT: Bet I'm tireder then you are
[05:49] ShArPSh00TeR 42: wanna come sleep with me?
[05:50] TheSADbraT: I wish
[05:50] ShArPSh00TeR 42: meh... I was hyped on red bull and some weird pills Sergio had... not drugs but something that shouldn't be legal lmao
[05:50] ShArPSh00TeR 42: so now I'm feeling the effects of being up nearly 2 days straight...
[05:50] TheSADbraT: caffine pills?
[05:50] ShArPSh00TeR 42: heh caffine pills on steriods with vitamins
[05:50] ShArPSh00TeR 42: lol
[05:51] TheSADbraT: OH!
[05:51] ShArPSh00TeR 42: "They're for the Mind, body and soul!"
[05:51] ShArPSh00TeR 42: lol
[05:51] TheSADbraT: btw I'm gonna try salvia with Cory sometime
[05:51] TheSADbraT: dunno if I told you or not
[05:51] ShArPSh00TeR 42: no... you didn;t...
[05:51] TheSADbraT: Been thinking about it for a while
[05:51] ShArPSh00TeR 42: why?
[05:51] TheSADbraT: has no negative affects
[05:51] TheSADbraT: it's legal
[05:51] TheSADbraT: leaves nothign behind
[05:51] TheSADbraT: why not?
[05:52] TheSADbraT: it's also not addictive
[05:52] ShArPSh00TeR 42: like I said...
[05:52] ShArPSh00TeR 42: why?
[05:52] TheSADbraT: For the hell of it
[05:52] TheSADbraT: just wanna know what it's like
[05:53] ShArPSh00TeR 42: -shrugs-
[05:53] ShArPSh00TeR 42: w/e
[05:53] TheSADbraT: My one friends tried it and cried for 2 hours because the lava lamp was beautiful
[05:53] TheSADbraT: ^.^
[05:53] ShArPSh00TeR 42: fucking tard...
[05:54] TheSADbraT: all it does is make you hallucinate
[05:54] ShArPSh00TeR 42: I know
[05:54] TheSADbraT: :-/ Why do i get the feeling you don't like me much right now?
[05:54] ShArPSh00TeR 42: If you know its going to piss me off why do it?
[05:55] TheSADbraT: I don't see why it'd piss you off
[05:55] ShArPSh00TeR 42: then you too are a fucking retard
[05:55] ShArPSh00TeR 42: -sigh-
[05:55] ShArPSh00TeR 42: do w/e you want.
[05:55] ShArPSh00TeR 42: I'm sick of this...
[05:56] TheSADbraT: Sick of..?
[05:56] ShArPSh00TeR 42: nothing
[05:56] ShArPSh00TeR 42: forget it
[05:56] ShArPSh00TeR 42: like I said,,,
[05:56] ShArPSh00TeR 42: do w/e you want
[05:56] ShArPSh00TeR 42: I don't care anymore
[05:57] TheSADbraT: That's an interesting thing to say to someone you love..
[05:57] ShArPSh00TeR 42: Fuck that Krystina, I reserve my right to be mad when ever the fuck something pisses me off. Don't throw that in my face looking for a way todefend the fact that you want to start trying drugs with cory
[05:58] ShArPSh00TeR 42: The DEA’s limited information on Salvia describes its use as follows: “Salvia is being smoked to induce hallucinations, the diversity of which are described by its users to be similar to those induced by ketamine, mescaline, or psilocybin. It is being widely touted on internet sites aimed at young adults and adolescents eager to experiment with these types of substances.”

[05:58] ShArPSh00TeR 42: "Access

Obtaining this drug is as simple as entering a store or visiting eBay. Users adamantly defend its virtues and their right to partake in its pleasures."

[05:59] TheSADbraT: Then be pissed Mark. I have yet to do anything and it was only a thought.
[05:59] ShArPSh00TeR 42: ...
[06:00] ShArPSh00TeR 42: Don't get me started
[06:00] TheSADbraT: On drugs?
[06:00] ShArPSh00TeR 42: on your ego and blind stupidity
[06:00] ShArPSh00TeR 42: I'll rip you a new asshole if you do...
[06:00] ShArPSh00TeR 42: -sigh-
[06:00] TheSADbraT: Go ahead, I'm starting to get used to it.
[06:01] ShArPSh00TeR 42: Really? Well thats a comforting thought "My girlfriend hates me and finds me so abusive that she has learned to just deal and tolerate her love's own 'rage'."
[06:02] TheSADbraT: I don't hate you. I said nothign of the sort.
[06:02] ShArPSh00TeR 42: Look, If I'm THAT unfair, controling, manipulative, and pestering then let me make it easier for you
[06:03] ShArPSh00TeR 42: I DON'T LIKE DRUGS !!!! I DON'T LIKE PEOPLE THAT DO THEM !!!!! And, if you feel that you HAVE to... then by all means do. Just don't expect me to like it or to be ok with it. Cuz I won't be.
[06:04] ShArPSh00TeR 42: I have stoner friends and retard friends too...but I don't let it effect me and how I feel and think
[06:04] ShArPSh00TeR 42: You do...
[06:04] ShArPSh00TeR 42: you're very impressionable apparently
[06:04] ShArPSh00TeR 42: and I don't like what you're changing into...at all
[06:04] ShArPSh00TeR 42: And if I'm wrong for missing the person I fell in love with then I'm real fucking sorry
[06:05] ShArPSh00TeR 42: but if you want to go off and do shit like that then end this now because I'm not going to sti here and wonder
[06:05] ShArPSh00TeR 42: I'm not going to go through that again and again over people I care about
[06:07] TheSADbraT: Not to sound liek an ass, which I know I probably will, I'll repeat that I have yet to do anything and it was just a thought. I know exactly how you feel about drugs and that's why I told you. Rather then keeping you in the dark. I wasn't trying to start anything by it.
[06:07] ShArPSh00TeR 42: You're right... it does make you sound like an ass
[06:07] TheSADbraT: The only reason I even considered it was because it has no negative affects and it's not addictive like most drugs.
[06:08] TheSADbraT: You drink still don't you?
[06:08] ShArPSh00TeR 42: Only when I'm given a reason to
[06:08] TheSADbraT: That is the most addictive and corrupting drug of them all.
[06:08] TheSADbraT: You smoke from time to time
[06:08] ShArPSh00TeR 42: so I'm a hypocrite?
[06:08] ShArPSh00TeR 42: hah !
[06:09] ShArPSh00TeR 42: nice...
[06:09] TheSADbraT: Thats the second most addictive and corruptiing
[06:09] ShArPSh00TeR 42: Good job Krystina '
[06:09] ShArPSh00TeR 42: thank you !
[06:09] ShArPSh00TeR 42: you're right !
[06:09] ShArPSh00TeR 42: I'm wrong
[06:09] TheSADbraT: -sigh- Mark you're taking this way too personally
[06:09] ShArPSh00TeR 42: you have the right to follow me into my vices and be just as fucled up !
[06:09] ShArPSh00TeR 42: I'm taking mid-terms this week
[06:09] ShArPSh00TeR 42: and I'
[06:10] ShArPSh00TeR 42: I'm stressed enough as is *
[06:10] ShArPSh00TeR 42: I don't need this shit right now...espicially from you...
[06:10] TheSADbraT: I get it.. I'm not helping
[06:10] ShArPSh00TeR 42: If I'm being unfair then dump me
[06:10] TheSADbraT: -sigh- I'm sorry
[06:10] TheSADbraT: again
[06:10] ShArPSh00TeR 42: dopn't be
[06:10] TheSADbraT: I'm going to go to sleep
[06:10] TheSADbraT: You have to get ready for school
[06:10] ShArPSh00TeR 42: So you're going to run away
[06:10] ShArPSh00TeR 42: again...
[06:10] ShArPSh00TeR 42: good job.
[06:11] TheSADbraT: -sigh- ok..
[06:11] TheSADbraT: I;ll stay
[06:11] TheSADbraT: What now?
[06:11] ShArPSh00TeR 42: You don't have to do a damn thing for my sake
[06:11] TheSADbraT: Gonna yell some more or take it for what it actually was?
[06:11] ShArPSh00TeR 42: fuck me and how I feel right?
[06:11] ShArPSh00TeR 42: -sigh-
[06:11] ShArPSh00TeR 42: you never admit you were wrong do you?
[06:12] ShArPSh00TeR 42: you always have to have the last word in everything
[06:12] TheSADbraT: I can be just as stubborn as you
[06:12] ShArPSh00TeR 42: and you always want to make the other person feel shitty in some way
[06:12] ShArPSh00TeR 42: wetehr they're wrong or not
[06:12] TheSADbraT: I'm not the only one who feels that kind of satisfaction Mark. You do the same thing.
[06:12] TheSADbraT: I'm not trying to start a fight or anything Mark..
[06:12] TheSADbraT: I'm not even angry
[06:12] ShArPSh00TeR 42: Too late
[06:13] TheSADbraT: -sigh- Makes me wonder what would happen if I actually tried to cause shit
[06:13] ShArPSh00TeR 42: Look... if this is whats its going to be and if this is what you're coming to then don't expect me to sit, wait and watch
[06:14] TheSADbraT: I understand
[06:14] ShArPSh00TeR 42: heh, do you really?
[06:14] ShArPSh00TeR 42: Then what now?
[06:15] TheSADbraT: Why, are you going to break it down?
[06:15] ShArPSh00TeR 42: No.
[06:15] TheSADbraT: Then I completely forget I even had the thought and act as if it never happened.
[06:15] ShArPSh00TeR 42: no
[06:15] ShArPSh00TeR 42: tell me
[06:16] TheSADbraT: Oh and promise to never ever ever think of something so immature again.
[06:16] TheSADbraT: Exactly what I said.
[06:16] ShArPSh00TeR 42: ...
[06:16] TheSADbraT: I wont do it or think about it.
[06:16] TheSADbraT: End of story.
[06:17] ShArPSh00TeR 42: Its hard to decipher condesending mockings and sarcasm from truth and sencairty with you.
[06:17] ShArPSh00TeR 42: Know what? I really can't take this anymore...If its what you want by all means go ahead and do it
[06:18] TheSADbraT: ...I do think I just said I wouldn't.
[06:18] ShArPSh00TeR 42: Nothings ever going to change for us....
[06:19] TheSADbraT: I didn't start it this time Mark..
[06:19] TheSADbraT: I really didn't.
[06:19] ShArPSh00TeR 42: you did
[06:19] TheSADbraT: I did everything you asked me to and still you're not happy.
[06:19] ShArPSh00TeR 42: I'm ending it
[06:19] ShArPSh00TeR 42: you've changed nothing
[06:19] ShArPSh00TeR 42: we're still in the same shit
[06:20] TheSADbraT: hah - I meant in this one convorsation in particular but if you mean in general then we can get right on it then.
[06:20] TheSADbraT: We're still in the same shit because neither of us will let it go.
[06:21] ShArPSh00TeR 42: Forgive but never forget
[06:22] ShArPSh00TeR 42: Our problem is we stayed together when we should've broken up a long time ago...
[06:22] ShArPSh00TeR 42: we're fighting off the enevitable
[06:22] TheSADbraT: -sigh- I gave you enough chances.
[06:22] ShArPSh00TeR 42: heh
[06:22] ShArPSh00TeR 42: so its my fault then?
[06:22] TheSADbraT: -sigh- and again you assume I blame you.
[06:22] ShArPSh00TeR 42: alright. take it how you want it
[06:23] ShArPSh00TeR 42: well you said 'I gave you'
[06:23] ShArPSh00TeR 42: meaning "I'm ok. you're the fucked up one!"
[06:23] TheSADbraT: Because I wasn't and am not willing to end it.
[06:23] TheSADbraT: -sigh- Mark you hate me as it is why can't you just end it?
[06:24] ShArPSh00TeR 42: Cuz I still do love you...
[06:24] ShArPSh00TeR 42: :-/
[06:24] TheSADbraT: No Mark.. you said so yourself..
[06:24] TheSADbraT: You loved who I am
[06:24] TheSADbraT: ...Who I was..
[06:24] TheSADbraT: sorry
[06:24] TheSADbraT: You don't liek who I am
[06:24] ShArPSh00TeR 42: no who you are...
[06:24] ShArPSh00TeR 42: what you're becoming...
[06:25] TheSADbraT: What I'm becoming is no different.. Just more adventurous.
[06:26] ShArPSh00TeR 42: heh
[06:26] ShArPSh00TeR 42: if thats how you see it...
[06:26] ShArPSh00TeR 42: Then I guess I never mattered enough...
[06:26] ShArPSh00TeR 42: we shoulda just stayed friends right?
[06:27] ShArPSh00TeR 42: I get it... no need to explain... its all on me... i'm the problem.
[06:27] ShArPSh00TeR 42: heh
[06:27] ShArPSh00TeR 42: nice thoughts to go to school with...
[06:27] ShArPSh00TeR 42: -sigh-
[06:27] TheSADbraT: Mark.. you mean the world to me..
[06:27] ShArPSh00TeR 42: bullshit
[06:27] ShArPSh00TeR 42: actions speak a lot louder than words do.
[06:28] ShArPSh00TeR 42: -sigh-
[06:28] TheSADbraT: -sigh- If I could show you that I would but until then you'll continue on doubting me like you have been for a few months now

[06:28] ShArPSh00TeR 42: I have to go...I need to shower and get ready in less than 30 min...
[06:28] ShArPSh00TeR 42: You make it so easy when you do such stupid things
[06:29] ShArPSh00TeR 42: How do I place faith in the faithless
[06:29] ShArPSh00TeR 42: heh.
[06:29] TheSADbraT: Life is full of stupid things.. without them we don't learn nor do we grow.
[06:29] ShArPSh00TeR 42: I think I understand the old display name now...
[06:29] ShArPSh00TeR 42: so thats why you're using to fall back on ?
[06:29] ShArPSh00TeR 42: What about common sense?!
[06:29] ShArPSh00TeR 42: It aint that common
[06:29] ShArPSh00TeR 42: but I thought you had some
[06:29] ShArPSh00TeR 42: was I wrong?
[06:29] ShArPSh00TeR 42: -sigh-
[06:30] ShArPSh00TeR 42: fuck this shit Krystina... we're going in circles...
[06:30] ShArPSh00TeR 42: I need to go...
[06:30] TheSADbraT: -sigh- Don't be late for school.
[06:31] ShArPSh00TeR 42: if you have anything more to say to justify yourself then shove it up your ass cuz I'm sick of bullshit. If you feel something other than the need to chew my ass for trying to make you do the right thing... then please feel free to let me know now.
[06:32] TheSADbraT: I'll talk to you later if you don't still hate me by then.
[06:32] ShArPSh00TeR 42: heh
[06:32] ShArPSh00TeR 42: knew someday it would have to end
I knew eventually I would have to go back to calling you friend
It's killing me that now that day has come
If it's for the best then where is this pain from
I know deep inside that this is what I had to do
but it's breaking my heart to walk away from you
I'm trying my best to appear strong
but it's hard when part of me says that in your arms is where I belong
I still love you with all my heart
that's not going to change even though we're apart
You were my first love and my first kiss

There are so many of our special times I'm going to miss
All the words I ever said or wrote still hold true
But for now from a distance is where I'll be loving you
I think you need me as a friend to help you through
because there are things I can't control that are hurting you
We both have issues no one knows of
neither of us had the strength to be true to our love
Maybe we will be together again if it was meant to be
but for now please don't stop loving me
Even though I'm not your girlfriend I'll still be here
With a shoulder to cry on or a sympathetic ear
The story of love can be quicker than the blink of an eye
But our story of won't be over until the day that we die
Until We Meet Again

[06:32] ShArPSh00TeR 42: Maybe that'll help you think striaght...
[06:33] ShArPSh00TeR 42: its not what I want but if this has to be a good bye then take it for what it is...
[06:33] ShArPSh00TeR 42: I love you and always will...wether or not you'll feel the same isn't and never was up to me...
[06:33] ShArPSh00TeR 42: :'-(
[06:33] ShArPSh00TeR 42: ttyl... maybe...
[06:33] ShArPSh00TeR 42: bye.
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