Jul 17, 2005 22:30
I long ago realized that the money I come across modding Xbox's is a mere pittance with respect to the time and effort I put into the job. I well ought to be a gruff son of a bitch and do the bare minimum required and leave the software shit to enduser. If you're wondering what brought on this rant, it would have to be the 3hrs I spent whicking solder away from a 50 mil smd ram chip. What's that you say, a chip with tiny bloody pins that's what. This happend after I tried to mod a friends xbox as a favor after a night of debauchery. Note the absence of the modifier drunken as it would be woefully inadequate given the events of the night. I was quite together while doing the job in the morning, but as a result of the shitty tip on my Weller iron, blundered onward. I regretably left my Ratshack iron that has served me beautifully thus far at home, along with all my advanced soldering tools. The job resembled an Ophthmalic surgeon reattaching a patient's retina with a needle meant for stitching leather. Not elegant at all. I, for the most part, made do. However as I was finishing up, I had the finest point (d0) soldered perfectly, I dropped a blob of solder on the damn ram. After that I packed my shit and went home. Took me a day to work up the patience to fix the mess, which I finally did, and managed to get it fixed this evening. Things to do next time:
Check iron for proper tip heating, always.
Replace tip on weller iron.
Organize tools.
Create Xbox toolkit.
Make my own howto guide.