Jan 15, 2014 10:15
I'm having a difficult time of late. I can't seem to get my act together to save my life and I finally figured out what it is...me. Lately my job has taken on a very different role; I'm no longer just the budget and office manager. I'm working on multiple projects that are nothing alike (wellness initiative, chartiable giving, various communications) including taking on a volunteer position within a professional HR organization. I keep telling myself that if I can just keep myself together I'll be fine. There lies the problem. I'm trying to maintain when I should be planning ahead and getting myself organized. I've always been a bit of a procrastinator, and quite honestly its served me well in many instances, however, I no longer have that luxury. To keep from losing control and making a situation bigger than it should be, I have to get my head in the right space. It's me, not my boss or coworkers, my parents or D. Simply me. Oy, what a bummer being an adult has become.