hai guys <3

Nov 30, 2010 04:54

(omg so sorry flist, i still ♥ you)

[awz fic] .five things florian wild wanted to be before he decided to be an ice-hockey player
[florian. g. 450 words.]
notes; for bettina for her birthday <33333
warnings; none
summary; The very first thing he ever wanted to do was drive a bus. He took an instant dislike to the driver who took him to school and back and thought that if he had such a super thing as a bus to drive he would make a much, much better driver -- the best driver, as a matter of fact, in all of Germany. Probably the world. And he wouldn't smell of cigarette smoke and sauerkraut all the time, either.

[real life] my mother is ridiculous

[awz fanart] dear diary

[meme] anagrams of my name meme

[merlin fic] .gerīm, or, four times myror couldn't understand the old tongue (and one time he wished he couldn't)
[myror/omc. 700 (+238) words. pg. character death.]
notes; for the summerpornathon challenge: canon villain.
warnings; non-graphic character death.
summary; It's nothing personal; Myror feels that way towards everyone. You can't be understanding and an assassin. You can't be sympathetic and survive.

[icons] 24 rich/ro icons

[meme] fanfic meme

[awz fic] .five ways maximilian's not as intimidatingly gangster fuck your shit up as he looks
[maximilian. g. 300 words.]
notes; for aldibach for her birthday <33333
warnings; none
summary; Because no matter how far your imagination can take the concept of hard arse bad guy, Maximilian can take it one step further. Sometimes he can throw it over his shoulder, take it to Fiji for a dirty weekend and abandon it there to wear batik kaftans and sell sitars on the beach forevermore.

[tutorial] dull shitty screencap to bright icon

[real life] it's hard to live your life without a bicycle aka i really suck at german lol

[awz fic] no concept of afterglow
[richard/roman. r. 4380 words.]
notes; for the rich/ro ficathon.
warnings; richard. Need I say more IDK GUIZ IDEK.
summary; richard doesn't think he's hearing it right at first. there's a heavy shade of desire pulled tight between his lust and his better judgment. he's about to tell roman to just fuck right off but the look of complete and utter intent stops him. roman's face is tight, his features tense and his hands have gone still, gripping richard's hips tightly. he's nervous, scared, richard realises.

[meme] hundred questions meme

[icons] 52 alles was zaehlt girls

[merlin fic]handwriting
[arthur. r. 750 words]
notes; for the summerpornathon challenge: wank!fic
warnings; what is this omg.
summary; he has his favourites, people he loves and admires so much it hurts in his chest to think about; people he would die for if he had to, and thinking about them, about how they fill out their clothes, makes his mouth go dry and his hand fly to his groin, pressing against the hard outline of his cock whilst he bites back a whimper.

fic, icons, !merlin, fanart, my flist brings all the boys to the yard, meme, !alles was zählt

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