[FIC] & [ICONS] & [MIX] & [MEME] & [RANT] & [TUTORIAL]

Aug 06, 2010 21:14

Because I am too lazy to actually post here, have a list of links to stuff I should've posted here too. JUST PRETEND I ACTUALLY CROSSPOSTED OKAY. TY FLIST<3

[FIC:] .a secret never to be told
[emyr/jamie/peter. emyr/peter. implied!ceri/peter. r. 1757 words.]
notes; omg feels so weird writing this is english D: set early!series 3.
summary; because it's just sex, because emyr doesn't have feelings for him, which is why this is okay -- and which is also why he doesn't understand the look on emyr's face right now, half-obscured by his hair. half-desperation, half-longing. there's a voice beside his ear, low and rough around the edges, murmuring emyr's name like a prayer -- and that's when jamie realises that emyr isn't looking at him, but at peter.

[FIC:] .absolute electricity
[nina/vanessa. vanessa/juli. r. 2300 words.]
notes; 100% for aldi, who asked for vanina fic literally years ago and I totally forgot about it. UNTIL NOW. Soz bébé<33333 have some porn to make up for it.
warnings; possibly my complete and utter lack of america!knowledge. can you take a plane from LA to Boston? IDEK.
summary; when nina hears the front door open, she's in the middle of unbuttoning her jacket. her heart leaps into her throat and she panics, wondering for a few fleeting seconds if she could jump out the window and survive, pretend this had never happened. then she thinks of her vanessa, her brilliant laugh and her smile, and concentrates on tossing the jacket away.

[FIC:] .crimson
[gaius/uther. implied!uther/ygraine. 750 words. g.]
notes; for the summerpornathon challenge: not merlin/arthur.
summary; "i've got it," gaius begins, waving a dusty book in uther's direction. "a spell to make the rain fall." and then uther's grinning too, slowly at first, but rapidly growing until it actually hurts the corners of his cracked lips. "can you do magic?" he thinks to ask, eventually.
"i can learn."

[FIC:] .effectively ruined
[marc/roman. r. 2175 words.]
notes; hey, I figure if marc was roman's first love, then he was probably a lot of roman's other firsts too. INCLUDING THIS ONE. From my ~skating prompt table~ LOL REMEMBER THAT. OMG. SO TWO THOUSAND AND LATE.
warnings; this was saved as marc-has-sausage-fingers.wps on my hard-drive. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
summary; marc's fist is wider than his cock, and roman finds himself mentally comparing the girth of his wrists to the memory of him at inconvenient times -- during training, in the shower. whenever he talks. when he moves. his body doesn't know whether it should be incredibly aroused or petrified, and roman's increasingly uncomfortable as the days wear on.

[FIC:] .favourite page
[jenny/roman. 400 words. g.]
notes; I'm not entirely sure when this is meant to be set. pre-kidnap, at least. IDEK.
summary; but what she likes most of all are the second-hand books she finds tucked away in the corners of dusty charity shops. not the ones that are yellowed and tatty, pages falling out and covers missing -- even she has to admit that she's far too shallow to appreciate anything but the most obvious type of beauty, after all -- but the ones that were loved and cherished by their previous owners.

[FIC:] .five things arthur's never done
[arthur/merlin. g. 750 words.]
notes; for the summerpornathon challenge: wing!fic.
summary; merlin had looked at him in bafflement, and insisted he be left to change in peace, and arthur said all right, if you're sure, because arthur's father had brought him up to have manners, even when dealing with servants, even when they don't make any sense. (and then he'd spied on merlin changing through a gap in the door-frame, and it still didn't make any sense, but by that time he'd seen statues come to life, and dragons attempt to burn the kingdom to the ground, and morgana disappear right in front of his eyes, so arthur could understand things not making sense.)

[FIC+MIX:] .i'm lost without you: a hunith/balinor ficmix
[balinor/hunith. pg. 2000 words. 10 songs.]
notes; written for the summerpornathon bonus-challenge two: multimedia.
summary; when the soldiers rap on her door, she grits her teeth, meets their eyes and lies like she's never lied before. she thinks balinor would be proud of her, even if her mother wouldn't.

[FIC:] .if my methods seem queer
[uther/gaius. 166 words. pg-ish.]
notes; written for the summerpornathon bonus-challenge one: porny poetry, any pairing.
warnings; bad rhyme scheme and my inability to count syllables, hooray!
summary; there once was a nice king called uther
who fucked his own arse with a loofah.
and when it got stuck,
he screamed "gaius! oh, fuck!"
and in came our intrepid sleuth. "er,"

[FIC:] .kind of okay at it sometimes
[david/stefan. 780 words. pg.]
summary; "stefan, this game is guitar," david says, batting stefan's hand away and gesturing at the screen, where the frets of a guitar stretch backwards across the screen, blobs of coloured light above them. "look! is guitar, you play the notes just like guitar. you remember guitar? people say you're kind of okay at it sometimes."

[FIC:] .my man
[merlin/morgana. g. 2800 words.]
notes; for the summerpornathon bonus-challenge: write a crack!fic. YAY FAVOURITE GENRE EVER, GUIZ<3333
warnings; morgana has some slightly offensive views w/r/t feminism. And lesbians. I figured wags aren't exactly the most pro-feminism people on the planet. consider yourself warned, bbs. IDEK footballer!merlin & wag!morgana DO I NEED SAY MORE.
summary; if it weren't for me constantly pestering him to go training, get fit, eat healthily and wear bigger, golder jewellery, he'd barely be a footballer at all.

[FIC:] .queen of hearts (she made some tarts)
[arthur/gwen. gwen/hunith. gwen/merlin. gwen/morgana. r. 750 words.]
notes; for the summerpornathon challenge: fill an unfulfilled kinkme_merlin prompt
summary; they steal out to one of the spare rooms during a particularly boring feast, one with too many nobles and not nearly enough personalities. morgana's drunk, gwen's pretty giddy herself, and it doesn't take much for them to fall together on the dusty bed, hands trailing up the inside of each other's skirts, with lips following shortly after. saints are called down, a host of wild folk things gwen's never heard of shouted, her name a fervent plea whilst her fingers are enclosed in sleek muscle.

[FIC:] .she doesn't mind
[vaguely roman/jenny. g. 600 words.]
notes; post bulle-attack v1.0.
summary; he's been in hospital enough times over the years that he correctly identifies his location before he manages to figure out why he's there in the first place; the sickly sweet stench of cleaning solution and the gentle beep of a machine in the next room unmistakable to anyone who's seen their fair share of broken collarbones and dislocated shoulders from misplaced landings and dodgy axels.

[FIC:] .vamos la furia roja
[arthur/merlin. 750 words. pg.]
notes; for the summerpornathon challenge: au!fic. (you can tell i wrote this just before the world cup final, lol. also, I reached the maximum word limit before I finished the story and couldn't find anything to cut, so I had to use my initiative to end it as ~suddenly and unobtrusively as possible, haha)
summary; he fastens his necklace around Merlin's neck (it's just a bit of braided-thread, with a small dragon as its only ornament; the metal is still warm from Arthur's body heat), "for good luck.".


[001-076] awz
[077-084] caerdydd
[085-100] crash
[101-108] hotel persona
[109-112] lar
[113-160] placebo
[161-180] misc. british women (lol)


awz 10in10 entry

[MEME:] last and current

[RANT:] Two days ago, Sarkozy ordered the expulsion of Gypsies living in France illegally, saying their camps should be "systematically evacuated."



[TUTORIAL:] dear torchwood fandom, you are rubbish at welsh

fic, music, !caerdydd, icons, !merlin, !alles was zählt, real life

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