Vid: The Boy Likes Them Both

May 05, 2011 21:43

this is for minus2 who threw this awesome idea (and the song) at me :D Bunner made by her, too. ♥

Vidder: Loki
Title: The Boy Likes Them Both
Song: The Boy Likes Them Both
Artist: Eberg
Warnings: none
Category: RPF
Characters/Pairings: Jared, Jensen, Sandy
Summary: Houston, we have a problem.
Length: 3:09
File Size: 72 MB
Links: YouTube | Download 72 MB
A/N: Well, nothing more to add basically. It's all in the song ))) And also, technically it's my 150th video. OMG WUUT?! O___O

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you can hardly tell them apart
one is lower and has a birth mark

and full of fun

the boy likes them both

the pair of them piece of art
keep me close to your heart

and full of fun

you notice them when the cold wind blows
hiding under a thin layer of clothes

and full of fun

the boy likes them both

the pair of them piece of art
keep me close to your heart
the pair of them piece of art
keep me close to your heart
the pair of them piece of art
keep me close to your heart

comment ♥ | take | edit | steal | watch

Thank you :)

vid, vid: j2

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