Vid: My Brother From Another Mother

Apr 02, 2011 21:15

Vidder: Loki
Title: My brother from another mother
Song: In Silence
Artist: Thursday
Warnings: wincest-ish
Category: AU
Characters/Pairings: Dean, Sam
Summary: Is there a ghost?
Length: 2:11
File Size: 47 MB
Links: YouTube | Download 47 MB
A/N: This video is made for the awesome fic that was written by Джаффар. To understand the video it's recommended to read the story, but as it's in Russian I know not all of you can read it, so I'll try to explain what it's about.

In 2017 The King is crying. He's mourning the death of his brother, the brother who he killed himself. People are afraid to go outside and this girl, Mary, who's pregnant with twins, is scared to leave the house. But people shouldn't be afraid anymore, the cries stopped. But the King isn't dead. He's off to get forgiveness.

In 2010 Dean Smith is a very successful man who visits psychiatrist. When Dean Smith sees his dead brother in his house, he thinks it's a hallucination. But Sam from 2017 is real. He explains Dean that there are many worlds and that in the other world, the one he's from, they were brothers. He takes Dean to 2017 and shows him his garden. He explains that there's a way to be together again, to leave their life again. It's won't be the same, it won't their second chance. It'll be their fresh start. They go to this girl Mary, and when she opens the doors and sees the man whose face many would choose to forget and the other one - who's been dead for a few years now - he's too weak to do something. Then The King tells her how she has to name the children. He makes her promise if she wants to survive, if she wants her children to survive. So she promises.

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vid, vid: supernatural

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