I didn't get the dole-office job and the references for the library job 'weren't suitable' (thanks, Sue) It looks like I am stuck with temping forever. I am also being pestered by the water-board again, but will sort it out properly. Evil hags. Strangely, I feel better than I have all week. Moods are odd things. Either I hate office work *that* much (which I doubt) or it's hormonal.
Also, I have made a slight headway on the OU-writing mini-courses, which were looming over me. Soon I shall progress to my Jajojimo project and the Walnutwhip Disco Terror Adventure. I aaalso also went to German, which was a mock exam (this early? ffs). I finished about half-an-hour early, but think I did ok apart from having a vocabulary of about 200 words. After Latin, no mere European language could ever be difficult.
The Times online has an advert for a Classics graduate (not pro) to teach at a school in Loughborough. It might be funny to apply for something like that, seeing as I am technically qualified. I went out with a boy from Lowestoft once. My throat is sore.
Tomorrow I will get the RT (snowdalek cover) and mark out exactly what I'll miss while trapped with faaaamly. I swear ne day I'll just get two video recorders. Every year I just wail over two-things-at-once. I don't know how Americans manage with their awful scheduling wars. My RPG is going well, although it means I am now snogging gurlz.