a/n: promised the woo to my gyu that I'd write her macbeth!myungyeol, so here it is. meep. tbh, this was moreso influenced by the movie-version I saw in my AP literature class than the actual book... nonetheless... m(_ _)m
title: act i, scene vii
rating: pg-13 ('cause of a curse word trololol)
pairing: myungsoo/sungyeol
genre: idek
summary: sungyeol's
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i think its good as is, actually. :O
Sungyeol grimaced as he wiped at his mouth - his hand pulled away to reveal crimson, and as he licked his lips he could taste the familiar flavor of iron.
i just, aslkj awef. i really love this sentence. /weep
thank you! your opinion matters the most on this, hahaha, since this was written for you, my woo~~~ ;3;
oh, psh, it was my pleasure. better fanfic-writing than any other method of procrastination. ;D
but a lot of my spacing/enter-ing ness kinda screwed up so i'm going to have to go back and fix that :\ i'll do that tomorrow, i'm rushing eng homework atm LMFAO /needs a life
BUT I LIKED THIS ; A ; i really did lmfao~ myungsoo you ass >DD~
i find it funny how you made dongwoo the king though \o/
(I say this late, so I hope you are, haaahaha)
oh, actually, I didn't notice the spacing/line break errors until you pointed it just now - I was so absorbed in reading it, hahaha. you do that, lol. insanity hw definitely comes first and foremost, m'dear.
aw, I'm glad.
and yeah, it's because the king in Macbeth was this innocent, naive, carefree man... and somehow, dongwoo just seemed to fit that part best xDDD
YEAH lol..its cuz i wrote it on word, and when i copied it over, the line breaking was totally messed up so i was just like ...um ok im just gunna do it in a way that makes it shorter and fix it later /guilty, i'll probably do that.......next year
now i just need more inspiration for more writing. *grumble* /has none
LOL I SEE YOU'RE TOTALLY WORKING, YEP YEP. of course, I'm not one to talk... since I'm wasting time writing a one-shot when I could be doing my last piece of govt. hw. OH WELL.
(what is this world religions project you speak of? this sounds new.)
AH, I'm probably like the only person who doesn't write fics first on word, hahaha... I usually just type it within the livejournal-entry-making-thing. herp derp.
inspiration you say? I propose this community (http://15-minute-fic.livejournal.com/); it's good for challenging yourself to write shortfic :]
oh yeah, I'm planning on writing a block b one and an infinite one before christmas /shot WHAT IS THIS WHAT IS LIFE WHAT ARE PRIORITIES I CLEARLY HAVE NONE OMG
lol, oh geez, you don't need to do that! it'd be so embarrassing, omg /blushes
wait, you read my 2woo? is it weird that I'm flattered that you were upset? /shot again
omg, so this is that video project you were complaining about before the masters concert, right? ughhhhh... sounds like a pain. my sympathies go out to you and your classmates ;3;
oh, that's true! I don't think livejournal autosaves, LOL, so I just manually save it myself every so often by keeping wips as entries only viewable by me XDDDDD
glad that I could be of service to ya~ c:
oh oh oh oh oh o hoh oh oh oh sdfhaew f asdf *must read* okay okay okay oka lkd falwef oaky! >DDD (whataboutyourcollegeappsthough)
LMFAO YES I WILL cause embarrassing people is fun. wae not? >D
yes, i did! i was upset. :'(..it was so...*sigh*. the parallelism in the beginning/end was great, just btw.
LMFAO YES IT IS, augh its terrible. i had a pretty good group though (and an amazing co-group leader so yeah) LMFAO yeah it sucks, but seriously i cant hear a word if what they're saying in this christianity video since a) background buzz is too loud :\ b) pretty background music that is, NEGL, WAY TOO LOUD FOR ME TO HEAR ANYTHING. /rips hair out of frustration
LOL but i'm the kind of person who accidentally clicks things and mopes around and kills myself for not saving or something like that....>D. i sometimes write fics on my ipod, too. (lol so don't look in my notes section. D<)
omg college apps /my creys (I'M DOING THEM I'M DOING THEM I SWEAR I'M MAKING PROGRESS this is what I meant by "what are priorities I clearly have none" trolololol)
NOOOOO GO AWAAAAAAY~ /my creys again
aw, thank you for the compliment. that means a lot, coming from someone who both stans woohyun (who I killed off) and wooyeol (while I wrote 2woo, lol) ♥
hahaha, background music can be a pain. so can background noise, if the editors and shooters aren't very experienced. I WISH YOU LUCK, M'DEAR~~~
that's pretty much me in photoshop whenever I edit something, omg. /weeps
oh, actually, I think you mentioned that to me before! hahaha, personally, I use my notes section sometimes to outline plot ideas for one-shots XDDDDD (now that you say that, you're making me curious~)
HAHAHA college apps..*sigh*. i'll be there soon. :'(...are you really? hmm.. /suspicious
NO I WILL DO IT, sometime soon. >DDDDDDD
you're welcome~ otps/stanning is irrelevant when it comes to well written fics /nods
;alsdjk f;laejkw fasdf god i can't hear anything and i'm friends with the group leader/producer of this group so i'm going to strangle him tomorrow
LOL photoshop. photoshop photoshop photoshop. /lesigh. the program and i are like old friends *thumbs up*
HAHA yeah i have all these crappy hidden fics in my ipod but i tend to delete em after a bit cause they're terrible (or i move them to my private notes app where they're locked for safe keeping C; )
oh man, I wish you luck for your future college-applying self (-u -)b
pffft, of course I am maaan~ I've got five or six colleges out of the way already! booyah! c: out of eight or nine, but still
aw. thank you. your flattery knows no bounds, lol.
LOL YOU DO THAT. sounds like tomorrow/today will be fun for you XD
the program and I are like mortal enemies /my creys
oh that's still cool though! and I wasn't even aware there was a private notes app, hahaha!
...:'( i'm probably going to fail out of college /is stupid.
OH REALLY? that's really good negl! keep going! eight or nine is a lot D: ...did you finish your common app essay already? that one is important /hwaiting~
oh posh (what kind of word is that), my flattery is only given to those who deserve it c;
really? i think photoshop likes you ;D i've been playing with it since 4th grade and only now have i learned how to use adjustment layers/layer masks/filters, and i've still got a lot to learn :\
oh, i use one called awesomenotes, theres a lite version thats free so i used to use that, but i bought the real one because i kind of use it as a diary too~ hehehehhee. >D...i like it, though. its pretty and works well ^^. (AND ITS GOT AN UNDO BUTTON)
oh shush. no you won't. I can just tell that you're destined for success in college :]
yeah, I finished all the common app essays. but most of the colleges required a supplement, so... orz
(posh is a fantastic word, might I add) OH SHUSH. you're going to make me write more. and that's detrimental to the livejournal community, lol.
... okay then, I guess photoshop and I are in a bit of a love-hate relationship, in that case. lol.
oh well, I've been playing around since sixth or seventh... and have only just learned the wonders of blending options and all that jazz. so. yeah. ;3;
oh, I'll have to check out that app sometime then! hopefully it costs only like a dollar, lol.
what sort of confucius bullcrap are you saying LOL
well that's good, cause that means you have at least an essay done for each college, right? lol yea, i'm sure...are you applying to any ivys for fun? (my sister did /loser)
i will comment all i want okay and you cant do anything about it. and write more, write more! \o/ if you do i will C;
HAHA nah i mean, photoshop just needs a lot of time, patience, and skill-nurturing..theres way too much to learn and way too many things you can do, so it just takes a lot of time haha. i began with photoshop interms of its creation tools (like drawing, and whatnot) and only recently have i learned how to edit photos (tumblr lol) and some cool filter/animation effects so yeah. >D blending options are the best :DD
yes, you should! i remember it being pretty cheap, i think. plus it has lots of different background styles and they're all pretty ; 3;
pffft, I'm saying no bullcrap, m'dear. only truths come out from this mouth of mine 8D
hahaha, IDEK man... some of my colleges aren't common app, so those I have to do from scratch /my creys
your sister's a boss, okay? hahaha, I am not a boss; no, I didn't. didn't want to waste money, lololol.
OH IN THAT CASE. WELL. I'd love to see more of your writing, m'dear~~~<3
LOLOLOL same here! (my tablet is still sitting somewhere in my room orz) tumblr was also the catalyst behind my sudden interest in attempting photo edits and whatnot XD
ORLY? definitely gonna have to check it out now c:
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