Jun 13, 2007 12:32
After 36 hours in the car we made it to Reno! We left Bardstown Sunday at about 2pm and drove straight across America stopping only for food, bathroom (for us and Maggie), gas, and once for an hour of sleep. We made it to Reno at about 2am (Eastern time) on Tuesday morning. Highlights of the trip: Kansas is very, very flat and straight, I love states with 75mph speed limits, I'd forgotten how much I miss the mountains, Denver is not a pretty city like I thought it would be, Nate and I can both function and drive a car on little to no sleep, if you are ever in the car for 36 straight hours when you do finally get out and stand up it feels as if you have been at sea for months and have just come on shore, Maggie is a very patient dog.
Yesterday we checked out the spot by the river where the reception will be and it was very pretty. Today we (along with Katie) are heading up to Portolla to spend some time with Nate's dad. So yeah, for now I'm off to pack up a few things and unload more out of the car.
Jenna arrives in less than 24 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!