She's got a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls friends

Apr 16, 2006 20:58

Well, shit dog, this has been quite the fun-filled weekend. I've bowled via black light, (apparently I'm not shomer shabbos because it was Friday night), cavorted through the RC bar scene (ewwwww), participated in both theological and political conversations past the hour of midnight, been accosted by creepy emo kids (who decided it would be appropriate to just help themselves to my friend's French fries), re-affirmed that the R-7 posse is a tight knit group of cool, cool cats, and scaled the steep-ass slopes of Little Devil's Tower. And I've done it caffeine free! Which, laugh if you will, is an achievement for the girl who was up to 2 Mt. Dews a day, minimum, before Saturday.

While I don't exactly adore the bar scene, I have come to the conclusion that Vermillion fits my fancy much better than RC when it comes to the establishments of boozahol. With the exception of the Firehouse, the bars we went to seemed to be carbon copies of the Char Bar, complete with drunk ho-bags, and lecherous fellas just waiting for a someone to pick off. I will say, however, that I thoroughly enjoyed being able to let Casey take advantage of his DJ status and play Modest Mouse for our dancing pleasure (in honor of Ringo's 21st). It provided a nice and much needed respite from the migraine-inducing bass thumping which occurred the rest of the night. We may have been the only ones out on the dance floor, but we knew what was up! Well, maybe not Jon, because his drunken dancing resembled Elaine's famed dance from Seinfeld just a little too well.

Drunken dancing, and cheap bar sluts aside, last night was splendiferous. It was incredibly awesome to be re-united with the old clan in totality, which happens rarely nowadays. It's odd how working 12 hour shifts at a movie theater will brings folks so close together, but it definitely did for us. We're just lucky like that, I guess. It's also odd that we can go months without speaking, for no apparent reason other than laziness, but when we get back together it's like we were working just yesterday at the R-7. Sentiments expressed, and conversations held last night, solidify my feelings that I do indeed love these boys who are like brothers to me; call me a silly little girl, but it makes me warm and fuzzy to hear me referred to as "our Bekah." It makes me feel great to know that these guys will always be there for me, and always accept me, flaws and all. and even though we get all together rarely, I still feel closer to these boys than most of my friends. They know me better than most, and I guess that comes from, as mentioned above, working long hours together, especially when those long hours consist of serious sitting on your ass, where you have to talk to each other, or else time crawls by like a arthritic turtle. More could be said, but it would probably sound trite and cliche, so moving on....

My dad and I went up Little Devil's Tower today and I had forgotten what a trek it really is. The sign isn't dickin' around when it says, "highly strenuous" and "very steep slope" at the beginning. It makes me realize how utterly out of shape I am, and that doesn't make me happy, no, not at all. I am definitely feeling the sweet burn of a workout in my calves tonight. But the view was definitely worth it, it was absolutely gorgeous. You can see Harney, the Cathedral Spires, and Mt. Rushmore from the back-door. My dad and I spent more time bouldering around on the top than what it actually took us to climb up. But it was definitely a good choice for the first hike of the season. I'm uber glad that I was able to get out in the hills over this break, because living in V-town definitely makes me go through Black Hills withdrawal.

But speaking of V-town, I'll be heading back there tomorrow morning, having completed absolutely none of the homework I was hoping to accomplish over break. So tomorrow afternoon will be awesome, crunch time, for moi. But what else is new?
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