Taemin x Minho, Minho x Jonghyun - Naive, perhaps - drabble-ish

Mar 16, 2010 18:56

Title: Naïve, perhaps
Author: granitemouth
Pairing/s: 2min, mention of MinHyun
Genre: drama
Rating: pg
Summary:  Even with your young heart, you dared to assume it was something like love.
Note: I got the idea of the last line of the fic from a brokenhearted girl I know. T___T I don’t know why  I had this image of Taemin suddenly. Semi-dedicated toparanoiascreams  because I chose MinHyun for you~

You told yourself you had to believe him when he whispered 'special' against the thickness of your auburn hair. You didn't even bother to look at his face. You simply assumed that words exchanged between two people in the dark have no other meaning but that.

They said you were too young-naïve-to differentiate between affection and intimacy. Thus, whenever he would take your hands and grazed his palms against yours playfully, you felt knots tightening in your craving heart, little by little, too.

You also wondered if such acts should be so scandalous in public, when he could've held you as much as you could take, even in a small space, as long as the world would stand still with just the two of you locked in embrace.

Even with your young heart, you dared to assume it was something like love.

But then, you also stood witness when you saw him take the older by the hand, entwining their fingers that seemed to fit well.

And too well, you judged, too well for your own fragile heart to handle.

The image of his face was etched unwillingly in your mind: contorted in desperation, even as he already possesed the smaller body with one of his forceful arms, and another hand gripping blond hair as he kissed, and kissed, and got kissed back, again and again and again.

So, you simply froze in your place, just behind the wall they play a dazzling rendezvous. Scooping a handful of your hair, you're confused deeply as to why people even call it heartbreak, when every part of your body feels broken, as well.

Broken Taemin is heartbreaking... TT___TT
I'm still for 2min~ *kisses the babies*

2min, drabble, shinee

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