Mar 16, 2008 11:43
Yes indeed, life throws you curves and you learn to swerve. Fighting a cold for a little over a month is quite fun and I looooong for Spring break (which is only 5 workdays away).
Yesterday was Dave and Stephanie's wedding. Really nice, I loved it. Plus, I got to hang out with some wonderful friends for a bit. Luke, Sarah, Alicia, Jonathan, Darrin, Nathan, Roy, and of course Paula. Getting stuck on a dirt road was truly an adventure. I so want to go back to Campbell for formal, but dinero is tight right now, so we're not so sure about that.
Thursday's the first day of Spring - Primavera. I'm quite excited.
Have you ever sat down and realized how much you failed at something you thought you were doing good at? I keep in touch with my mom a lot, and through her I find out how my sis is doing (and she probably finds out a little about me as well). Yet, do I call my sister? No, not near as often as I should. And what about my father? Same there, not near as often as I should. yeah, I call every month or two, we meet up and it's all good. Is that really enough? No. So, time to get my head screwed on straight. I've already talked with mi esposo and we're trying to figure out how to be more involved in my dad's life. Now all I have to do is call my sister up some more tambien.
It's kinda hard to balance this whole teacher, wife, friend, daughter and sister thing when the towns/cities involved are all different (Shelby, Hickory, Buies Creek, Vale, Cincinnati, Boone). I have a goal, I will make it. I often make goals, some of which have to be changed once I realize how unrealistic they are, but still. Paula reminded me of a goal I made in college - deans list. Only missed it one semester, the others I was either Deans or President list. Yay! So, since God is so amazing at helping me keep my goals, I keep making them. It also gives me something tangible to strive for, luchar para.
Goal Uno - Stay in better touch with my family. (once every week or two, not month or two... gotta pray for the time to do that)
Goal Dos - Hang out with my friends as often as possible (if only every 2-4 months, that's still something)
Goal Tres - Be teacher of the year before I've been teaching 8 years (I'm not eligible for the first 3 years of teaching, but I don't expect to get it my 4th year either) along with either being Board Certified or having my Masters Degree
Three goals is enough, yes? Not forgetting the goals I'm still working on to be completed by the end of this school year and have planned for the summer months.
But first, get physically better.
Pray without ceasing. All things work together for the good of those who Love the LORD. I will run and not grow weary. Praise ye the LORD.