Jun 11, 2007 14:55
You wanna know what's good about husbands? They still love you when it's in the middle of the night and you're puking into the toilet.
Yeah, I'm sick. Stuck at home and stuck in either a chair or the bed because too much moving brings back the nausea. Suffice to say, I have read quite a bit of Emma, which I still intend to finish eventually. However, being put out of work is a bother because I don't know if my sick days/vacation days have been earned yet in my new job. I guess I could have gone down to Belmont, but I would have spent the morning in the bathroom and the rest of the day in a painful haze walking around the store.
Anyway,news here is still the same. Matthew loves his job still. I'm working on getting a better one, perhaps something to do with what I went to college for. Being married is great, though now when we fight it's a little more heated than it was when we were just dating... It all works out in the end. Has so far.
Well, that's it. I think I'm gonna go lay down for a bit. At least I managed to eat some soup earlier. This is a good thing.