A Matter of Tact

May 08, 2008 14:24

Title: A Matter of Tact

Team Name: Spy for the Death Eaters
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG
Challenge: muggle device, whoops!
Characters: Hermione/Severus/Voldemort

Disclaimer: I am making no profit and no copyright infringement is intended. Any characters or settings recognizable from the Harry Potter series belong to J.K. Rowling. The rest is mine.

A/N: This is a response to  septentrion1970’s  Hairy Torture. I couldn’t let that go unanswered!


His left hand buried in the thick curls and the blade in his right hand tracing whimsical, moonlit paths of pearly skin through them, Snape was lost in sensual and vindictive pleasure. How many times had he dreamed of seeing the bare head of the annoying Know-It-All, the contours of  her cranium - in some way, her naked mind divested of knowledge!

When the last warm lock fell through his fingers, he repressed a sigh of satisfaction. For the first time since he had begun his task, he looked at the Dark Lord over the head of his silent victim.


The sight he met was unexpected.

Only a few candles lit the gloom of the Shrieking Shack, but even in this failing light, it was obvious that his master wasn’t satisfied.

The snakelike face was contorted. The fangs were bared. The red eyes were deep pits of seething flames.

The bald skull gleamed.

For an everlasting second, Snape stood frozen, as the enormity of his gaffe dawned upon him.

During that heartbeat eternity, an imperceptible smirk curled Hermione’s lips.

“Mudblood,” hissed the high, cold voice, “take the razor from the traitor, and do unto him as he did unto you.”

whoops! challenge, muggle devices challenge, duniazade

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