Title: Ghostly Visitations 5 - 6
Challenge: Haunted House challenge
Team: The Order
Words: 200
Rating: PG
Characters: Hermione
, Severus
, Bloody Baron
, Grey Lady
A/N: Well, here’s the daily ghostly installment. Hope it doesn’t disappoint. I just don’t know what those two are up to at all.... Ghostly emoticons courtesy of
renitaleandra Parts 1 - 2 are
here Parts 3 - 4 are
here ~
Breathing hard, Severus backed up until he felt the shelves at his back. The Baron glided towards him, almost flowed like a liquid. Gripping his wand tightly, Severus tried to think of what spells might work on a ghost.
“So afraid? After a millennium haunting, have you ever heard of me injuring a single breathing being?”
“There are ways-”
“Why don’t you scream? That pretty Gryffindor might come to your rescue.”
“Leave her out of this!” He hoped Granger wouldn’t involve herself.
“Or what? The thing is, dear Severus, there is little you can threaten the already dead with.”
The Grey Lady peered over the table to look at the scroll Hermione had been reading.
“The Ravenclaw Diadem ... what are you planning you presumptuous girl?”
Hermione bit her lip. In life, the Diadem had caused the Grey Lady to betray and steal.
“I simply thought... to recreate-”
“You could use my help then. What would you be willing to give in return? Hmm?”
A movement behind the Grey Lady caught her attention. Though the apparition of the Baron, she saw Professor Snape move deeper into the stacks and heard him yell at the ghost stalking him. “Excuse me.”
Parts 7 to 10