Not Just the Ale

Oct 20, 2007 12:10

Title: Not Just the Ale

Team: Spy for the DE's

Word Count: 100

Rating: PG

Challenge: Oktoberfest

Notes:  Don't own it.  Promise to return them, squeaky clean.

Hermione was in a fine snit. “I just don’t understand why you’d bother to go all the way to Munich just for beer!  You can get beer here in Hogsmeade!”

“This isn’t just any beer, my witch,” Severus said, in an attempt to soothe.  “It’s special.  One can only get Wonderful Wizarding Ale during Oktoberfest.”

She eyed him in what some would consider a dangerous fashion.  “And you’re sure it has nothing to do with beer-maidens, or whatever they’re called, prancing around in those tiny skirts?”

“Oh.  No, of course not.  The serving girls in the Wizarding areas are naked.”

voxangelus, oktoberfest challenge

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