Title: This Is The Trick?
Team Name: Death Eaters
demented_meiWord Count: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: Trick or Treat Challenge
Characters: Hermione and Severus
Author's Note: My little tribute to the wonderful news I just discovered today.
“This is the trick part, right?”
“Actually, I think it may be intended as the ‘treat,’ dearest.”
“This can’t be possible. She’s lying, right?”
“Minerva? Lying? Did you miss the part where she was the Head of Gryffindor or have you reverted to your former dunderhead status?”
“It just isn’t right! Why would Minerva issue slander post-mortum?”
“You know, I always did think that twinkle was unnatural.”
“Severus! This is serious!”
“Obviously so, you appear quite upset.”
“I’m serious!”
He sighed. The time for teasing had apparently ended. “As am I. Albus was gay. It certainly explains those psychotic robes.”