Self-fulfilling Prophecy

Apr 14, 2007 21:30

Title: Self-fulfilling Prophecy
Team Name: Death Eaters (too dark for the Order)
Word Count: 100 (x6)
Rating: PG (I think…)
Challenge: Dark Hermione, Traitor to the Light, Snape has it all
Characters: Hermione/Severus, Ron, Lucius.
Authors Notes: Canon!Hermione wouldn’t do this. Ergo, this is not canon.

Hermione was well aware that performing Arithmantic calculations on the outcome of the final showdown between Harry and Voldemort was a self-fulfilling prophecy. Yet she did it anyway, unwilling to find herself on the losing side. Failure was not an option and never had been.

A single tear trickling from the corner of one eye as the last complex equation balanced was the only sign Hermione revealed of her inner turmoil. Despite what Trelawney’s prophecy said, it was not Harry or the Dark Lord who would determine the fate of the wizarding world.

“Miss Granger? What are you doing here?”


For a murderer, Snapes’ greeting to Hermione had been cordial enough. She would have preferred not to have his wand thrust into the pulse point in her neck, but at least he hadn’t killed her.

She intentionally met his suspicious gaze, having thought of the only possible way that Snape would believe her, barring Veritaserum.

Allowing what she had recently found out to dominate her thoughts, she allowed Snape to see the truth as he stole into her mind.

“Whichever side you’re on is going to win. Let me join you,” Hermione pleaded as he stepped back, wand still upraised.


Eyes narrowing, Snape swept a considering gaze over her. Moments previously he would have rejected her, possibly killing her to keep himself hidden. But that was before he had seen the truth… “Why would I turn away the means of my victory?”

Lowering his wand, Snape offered the girl his hand. “You do realise that joining me will mean betraying Potter?”

Swallowing against the rising lump in her throat, Hermione nodded, blinking back tears. However, she took his hand without hesitation. “I would rather be a traitor than a martyr.”

“Clever girl,” Snape purred, stroking the back of her hand.


Over the following months Hermione passed information to Snape, leading to the gradual fall of the Order through deaths and injuries.

She felt occasional twinges of guilt, but the look in Severus’s eyes when he saw her was worth it… Having never been truly appreciated by anyone, not even by the boys, the experience was intoxicating.

When the last Horcrux had been destroyed, the time came for the prophesied end. An orchestrated battle between Hermione and Severus spread the secret of where Voldemort’s headquarters could be found when Severus ‘dropped’ the necessary descriptive scrap of parchment when making his escape.


Poor Harry never knew that he had been betrayed. He died with Voldemort, leaving Ron to piece together what had happened shortly before he was executed. Seeing Hermione in the embrace of Severus was enough to crack his fragile mind. The enraged boy lunged for the traitors with the intent to kill, only to be struck from behind by Lucius Malfoy with a timely Killing Curse.

“That was for Draco,” Lucius whispered into the dead boy’s ear. Even in the confusion of the battle, he hadn’t missed his son’s untimely death at Ron’s hands. “I lose even as I win.”


The victorious Death Eaters overran the Ministry next, crazed with triumph. The rest of the wizarding world watched nervously, knowing that any of them could be next. Representatives from every other wizarding government soon arrived, entering into oaths of allegiance and servitude in exchange for their safety.

With the wizarding world at their feet, Severus proposed a toast to be shared worldwide. The potion slipped into the celebratory drinks ensured their loyalty to the new Dark Lord and his consort.

Lucius had enough awareness left to blink as the Mudblood at Severus’s side suddenly became Lady Hermione in his thoughts.

ayerf, traitor to the light challenge, dark hermione challenge, snape has it all challenge

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