2 drabblets for the Order!

Feb 03, 2007 23:00

The first one is all
snapeophile's fault !!! I sweah!!!

Title: Pain
Team: The Order
Challenge: Page 197
Characters: SS/HG
Word Count: 100
Quote from page 197 Modern Neuromuscular Techniques is in bold

Pain threatens to rip her in half, and she gasps at the sheer brutality of it, trying desperately to overcome the panic that wells up inside her. The welcome coolness of a damp cloth at her forehead and a calming voice helps to soothe her.

'You must not push yet, Hermione,because light contractions of this sort are only the beginning.'

'Light contractions? Have you ANY idea how much this hurts?'

A warm hand encloses her sweaty one, and his touch is magic; pure love.

'No, but pain potions could harm your baby.'

'Our baby, Severus.'

'Yes, my love. OUR baby.'


Title: Scramble
Team: The Order
Challenge: Page 197
Characters: SS/HG
Word Count: 100
Page 197 of Daughters of Eden by Charlotte Bingham. Quote in bold

The rest of the world was going to war, she thought as she ran up the stairs two at a time and threw some clothes into her traveling case.

Severus! I must warn him; let him know that I've heard and that I'm ready.

Hermione searched through her belongings and located the Galleon, enchanted with a modified Protean charm. She held it to her chest and pictured his face, then said the incantation and sent her message. Although she could not wait for his reply nor delay her departure, she fervently hoped that her message would be received and understood.

page 197 challenge, hogwartshoney

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