Title: Remind Me Again Why I'm Here?
Team: Death Eaters
Challenge: Closet Noise Challenge
Rating: PG
Length: 100
A/N: Not beta'd. Usual disclaimers apply
They faced the closet door, wands at the ready. “Ready in three. I’ll go in first,” Severus whispered. “Three─”
“I’m no damsel in distress, Severus,” Hermione hissed. “It’s just a closet. Who said I needed to be rescued?”
He gave her a withering look. “Then why did you call me to your rooms, Professor?”
Why had she called him, indeed? Because noises emanating from her closet sounded suspiciously like a boggart? Or Dark Wizards, having infiltrated Hogwarts, were at present hiding in her closet, ready to pounce?
Or was it just a good excuse to bring him to her room?