Title: New Beginnings II
Team Name: Spy for the Ladies in Black
Word Count: 100
Rating: U
Challenge: Secret Wish
Characters: Severus Snape with hint of Hermione Granger
Authors Notes: I am not JK Rowling, I do not own Potterverse and I make no money from this amateur work. I’m not even sure where this fanged bunny came from, but it’s still refusing to hop off into the nice glowing sunset.
Part I can be found
The waves crashed against the shoreline, splintering, spraying him with cool droplets of saltwater.
The wind toyed with his hair, whipping it first one way then another.
Slowly, he inhaled another breath from his cigarette. His mind racing with possibilities as the acrid air burned, and yet, soothed his soul.
She was free, but, he was still bound by a vow to stay hidden.
The injustice of it all.
He had a new beginning, a chance to start over - she now had the same.
Severus Snape was, for all intents and purposes, dead; as was Hermione Weasley.
He needed Granger.