Title: When Hope is Lost
Team Name: Spy for the Masked Men
Word Count: 100 X 4
Rating: PG 13
Challenge: Fantasies
Characters: Hermione and Severus and unnamed Death Eaters
Warning: Character deaths; angst
A/N: You'll find no true fluff here. I don't often write SS/HG, though I love them dearly.
Fantasies were not always fun, erotic imaginings, Severus knew.
He remembered when he was at Hogwarts, there had been many times he’d fantasized about doing terrible things to James Potter, just as he’d fantasized about whisking Lily away with him.
Severus coughed as the curse lifted, releasing him from the never-ending pain. He pushed the memories away and just barely resisted looking over to see if she was all right.
He’d tried so hard to protect her from this. It hadn’t been enough.
Now that they’d been caught, it was only a matter of time before they were both killed.
Severus wasn’t blind to reality. He’d always known of the possibility of being discovered.
She’d convinced him it was worth the risk. For seven months it had been. Now he could only wish he’d left her when she’d asked him to stay.
Her screams echoed in his head, a fantasy he’d always prayed would never come true.
Pain tore through him, worse than his own, as he heard her suffering.
He couldn’t make himself look at her, couldn’t bring himself to face the results of his carelessness.
“Severus! Look at me, please!” she begged him. Severus could not resist her.
She looked horrible; there was blood matted in her hair and lacerations all over her body. It pained him to see her like this, so broken and bloodied.
“I’m sorry, Severus,” she cried out to him, reaching her hand toward him as a masked man sent another curse at her.
Her screams filled the air again.
He knew it was foolish, but he couldn’t stop himself from taking that first step toward her.
Before he could take another, his head was jerked back by his hair, and he felt a wand at his throat.
“You’ll watch,” a twisted voice said.
He could do nothing but watch now. The full-body bind had been cast on him, and he suffered as she did, though no curse was cast his way.
He wished there were a way of escape, but there was no hope left.
“Severus, I love you! Always know that,” she cried out moments before the green curse stole the life from her eyes.
Tears streamed down his cheeks.
“Hermione,” he whispered. His love, the only hope for happiness he’d had since his childhood.
Rage coursed through him. One guard was killed with his own wand before, finally, all went black.