Title: 'Do-Me' Three Times
Team: Spy for the Dark Side
Word Count: 100
Rating: Mature
Challenge: Shoe
Characters: Hermione/Severus
Disclaimer: I am not JKR. I do not own the world of Harry Potter. I make no money from this.
A/N: This is the last of my 'shoe' series. Thank you for reading it!
Warnings: non-explicit smut
“Yes, Severus! Yes!” Hermione screamed as her left heel hung precariously off the end of her foot when Severus thrust into her again.
After they left the pub, there was no need for further conversation. Hermione apparated them straight into her flat where clothing was quickly shed and Hermione's heels found air.
Her right heel found its mark at the base of his spine, digging in, urging him harder, faster.
Severus grabbed the edge of the mattress for leverage, heeding Hermione's cries. “Like that Hermione?” he moaned.
Their simultaneous cries of completion were the answer as the other shoe dropped.