Title: 'Do-Me' Twice
Team: Spy for the Dark side
Word Count: 100*2
Rating: Mature
Challenge: Shoe
Characters: Hermione/Severus
Disclaimer: I am not JKR. I do not own the world of Harry Potter. I make no money from this.
A/N: Hermione wasn't pleased with just getting Severus into the pub...so the conversation continues.
Warnings: Adult situations/conversation
"Ms. Granger? I... " Severus sputtered when he recognized the owner of those incredible shoes.
"Come now Severus. I am allowed to call you Severus, aren't I? It's been years since my school days. Have a seat before you fall over from shock" Hermione gestured to the empty stool at her table.
He sat and she continued as she ran her foot underneath the hem of his trousers. "Tell me Severus, what were you expecting when you whispered to me? Were you wanting my heels in the air as you fuck me senseless? That can be arranged, you realize that?"
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Severus couldn't verbalize the conversation taking place in his mind. "I just... it's..."
"The shoes, I know" Hermione said as she gazed longingly at her 'man catchers.' They weren't anything spectacular until second glance. The emerald was shiny, but the serpents slithering around the toes really caught the eye. The snakes' undulation was hypnotic, placing sex at the front of any looker's mind. "You haven't changed your mind, have you?"
Severus shook his head, still unable to speak properly.
"Good. Then let's go. My heels have been itching to dig into your back. So, your place or mine?"
"Definitely yours."