Title: The Lie She Lived Part 2
Team Name: Death Eater.
Word Count: 2x100=200
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Behind Closed Doors
Disclaimer: Everything belongs to JKR.
AN: Again, thanks to my sister for taking the time out of her hectic life to post this for me.
“Severus, I have to go back,” Hermione said, “please don’t waste our time together. This time is all I have to hold on to.”
“You are right, Hermione. Let us not waste this time, but I will get you and our daughter away from him.”
“I know you will,” Hermione answered. Her eyes filled with unshed tears.
“Then why?” he asked, catching the single tear that escaped her eye.
“It’s my fault. I didn’t realize. I panicked. Ronald will never allow a divorce. Severus, it’s never going to be okay, and it’s all my fault.”
“Hermione, this isn’t your fault,” Severus insisted. “You thought I was dead.”
“I should have known.”
“No, let me speak. You saw me hit with killing curse. You came to the logical conclusion that I was dead. You did what I would have wanted you to do and got away.”
“I should have stayed. When I came back they were gone. You- you’re body, was gone. Then the Aurors came. The next thing I remember is waking up in a strange Muggle Hospital. They told me I had been there a week.”
“A muggle hospita?” Severus asked incredulously.