Title: All That's Left
Author: look_2thesky
Team: Spyin' for them Death Eaters
Rating: G
Challenge: One Last
Characters: Hermione, Ginny, Severus (sort of)
Word Count: 100 (x2)
A/N: I think I might be pushing it for how this fits with the One Last challenge...
Credit for part of the letter from Charmed. [God I watch way too much tv...]
“Hermione?” Ginny rounded the corner into the small library in Grimmauld Place.
Hermione gazed up at her friend, eyes red from crying; she spent most of her time in the library now. Ginny walked over, holding an envelope.
“Um, this was found among his things...at Hogwarts, when they...cleared everything out-” Ginny swallowed, uncomfortable.
Taking it, Hermione slowly turned it over. Her name was scrawled across the front in familiar black handwriting.
Waiting until Ginny left, she broke the Slytherin seal and pulled the parchment out, unsure of what she would find. Taking a deep breath, Hermione began to read.
If I am dead right now, I know it was at your hand. No one had power over me as you did. Please don’t cry; I was dead before I met you. I was born the day you loved me, and your love for me will keep me alive forever.
I will always be with you, never forget that. Never doubt.
Hermione closed her eyes, the letter sitting limply in her lap, one last tear slipping from its careful containment within.
It was still so clear in her mind: She’d killed him. She’d had no choice.