Crimes of the Heart

Jul 29, 2008 18:47

Title: Criminale di le Cuore (Crimes of the Heart):
A Le Inizio (In the Beginning) Part 3
author: sfbfever/billeblacklupin
Team Name: Order
Word Count: 5 sections of 100
Rating: M
Challenges:  muggle devices, secret agenda, traitor to the light, shopping lists, Seven Deadly Sins:Envy, nightmare
Characters: Severus and Hermione and a short appearance by Winky.

Severus woke to the sound of a muggle device called an alarm clock. Hermione was still asleep in the same position at his side. He carefully moved not to wake her. He then kissed her breast before pulling her strap back up.  The wizard began to dress for a meeting that he had that morning at the new Ministry. A position that made him feel like a traitor to the light that helped along pure-blood supremacy. He honestly did not know if reviving a rebellion was even possible anymore with the majority of leaders dead, imprisoned or presumed dead.

He moved around his room to dressing trying not to look at the items in their room that betrayed a life of normalcy.  The drawings that Hermione made that represented weddings and holidays with her family and friends, the burned picture of her parents that he salvaged from the fire that killed them. The grocery lists that she had made for Molly and Angelina’s birthdays parties, the list of names for Christmas cards and the catalogs to buy presents and the sewing basket that had half sewn Christmas Stalkings. Reminders of how deep Hermione’s illness went because of her trauma.

He knew that this was his punishment for his actions before the war went into the open.  He ended it with her out envy of her close relationships with Potter, Lupin and Shacklebolt wanting her for himself. Leaving her so heartbroken that she was not looking what she was doing resulting in the fateful accident that ended her dreams making her life a nightmare. His mother always told him that fate delivers your wishes in the way that you least expect. Snape finally had Hermione all to himself but Hermione was not the girl he fell in love with anymore.

He truly did not know if he could ever heal the Hermione’s mind. He lost count of the times he tried to help but was unable to. The last time he tried she came out of it for a time but was unable to cope. She then returned to her world even further making it harder to reach her.  Maybe it was better for her that way. The witch saw her version of the world rather than the hell it had become. The only benefit of her situation was that she was not held accountable for her “crimes” against Voldemort.

In the two years since the end of the war he had researched the whereabouts of the surviving DA members without any luck. It was rumored that they fled the country when their side had lost to France and Bulgaria.  His thoughts where interrupted with the appearance of Winky the house-elf with their breakfast. Winky was taken in to help Hermione when she was not clear enough to look after things. Hermione always seemed to awaken when Winky appeared with their food. He sat on the bed and ate with her until he had to leave for another day.

sfbfever, nightmare challenge, voldemort wins challenge, muggle devices challenge, seven deadly sins challenge

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